
When I recycle a 6 pack of soda I'm left with the 6 hole plastic holder. What to do?

by Guest62393  |  earlier

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When I recycle a 6 pack of soda I'm left with the 6 hole plastic holder. What to do?




  1. i didnt know they still made those. my gradma used to cut them in loops of 2. and crochet aroud to make butterfly fridge magnets.

  2. cut it up then recycle it

  3. how about you throw it in the garbage. theres a good idea, they do have trashcans and garbage men now a days

  4. Recycle them but dont forget to cut them up before because animals are dead because of that!

  5. recycle the plastic in a different recycling bin

  6. Cut the rings apart and I think you can recycle that too.

  7. tie it around your neck and pretend your a fish! Maybe you'll post less dumb ****!

  8. Cram it up your cornhole.

  9. i just make sure its cut up.Birds have gotten those around necks and get tangled up in them.then i throw it away.I mostly buy 12 packs now for that reason.Because you eventually drink it all anyway.

  10. save them and over time mak a big plastic 6-pack soda ring holder thinky ball.

  11. 1st you cut the holes apart.

    2nd you can recycle them.

              I am going green.

  12. cut up all the rings so that their isnt any more holes and recycle those too

  13. Cut the rings  so that fish dont get stuck in them and recyclye it.

  14. Just cut the rings but don't cut them into pieces because then a animal can eat it and so on.

  15. throw them away

  16. im pretty sure you can recycle those too.  i mean i recycle PLASTIC

  17. i always cut them up and throw them in the garbage because if they get out into nature an animal or something can get stuck in one of the holes and get injured

  18. throw it away?

    no save them.

    then cut one so it's just one ring.

    then stretch it out a little.

    and it'll make a bracelet =]

  19. first things first... cut all the solid rings of plastic so that no animal can get its head/paw/etc stuck into it - second, it is still plastic and can be either thrown into a "plastic only" recyle bin or just thrown into a garbage can and it will be sorted out later... but that is much more difficult for the environment because it gets thrown into a dump for a bit

  20. make a cool wrist and or ankle and lol

    but some beats on it and some sparkles

  21. buy soda that comes in the boxes. paperboard is recyclable where i live, but some plastics aren't. you can always call your local recycling center to find out whether or not those rings are recyclable. or better yet, drink water. soda is liquid poison.

  22. Put plastic in a container of some sort and when it gets full take it to your local recycling place. In some communities they have these places by police stations.

  23. Cut them up!

  24. throw them in your nearest ocean. the one with dolphins and fishes.

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