
When I run, I get really bad shoulder cramps.

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I'm in shape and I can run a fair distance (I run X-country), but I get cramps in my neck and shoulders whenever I run. What can I do to prevent these?




  1. yea i have the same problem but im a sprinter, one thing that may help is going in the weight room an woorkin out your doesn't have to be lik 50, 70 pounds just arround 10, 15. hold the weight in your hand then lift it striaght out then down, then striaght out to the side then down, thats one do this 10-15 time it'll make ur shoulder used to constant  work  

  2. i'm sure you already have stretched them before you go running, that's what i recommend.. maybe have someone examine your posture when running and see if they see anything that could effect it

  3. This used to make me so mad because it happened to me every cross country race. I talked to some running instructors and they gave me some simple instructions. First, make sure to stretch your shoulders and neck out before any run. Make sure to keep your neck relaxed, dont tense up at all. And when you are pumping your arms try not to flex or tense them. Just keep a relaxed upper body basically. This helped me immensely and with the improved comfort came improved times. Hopefull this helps you too!

  4. This use to happen to me too. It would get so bad that I'd have to cut my runs short. I started stretching and strength training and the problem gradually went away. It was mostly my trapezoids (shoulder muscles closest to the neck) that were bothering me. The best exercise for this are shoulder shrugs. Hold a dumb bell in each hand with both arms hanging straight down, palm facing back. Lift both dumb bells up towards yours shoulders, elbow bent. Here's an example here only they are using a cable machine:

    Stetching is also just as important, especially after you work out. A lot of your shoulder pain is also related to your form while running. Like the last person said, try to keep your upper body as relaxed as possible.

  5. That problem is common with ususally happens to me when i swing my ams to much.  what you need to do is run with your arms down at your side rather than way out like wings.

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