
When I run, my right knee hurts. The pain isn't bad, but it is there. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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Runners, help! I have been running for about 2 years now, longest distance is about 6 miles. But, I run fairly consistently. Recently, my right knee has started to hurt while I run (not after, not when I walk). Can I keep running, or do I need need need to stop for a long while? Can I run through it?




  1. You should stop running its not good for you.

  2. it could just be a form of tendonitits. before seeing a doctor try just a thin brace right below the kneecap or if you can find a leg press machine. both of these worked well for myself

  3. dont continue with the pain get it checked out by a doctor.

  4. See a Doctor ... get it checked before it is too late.

  5. You should make sure that you are stretching your entire leg before running.

  6. While seeing your doctor is probably the best answer, it may not always be practical.

    1) Make sure your stretching thoroughly

    2) Try a sports creme before you run

    Good luck.

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