
When I run/jog the back of my neck hurts. Help!?

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When I run the back of my neck hurts, so I can't go on running as long as I'd like to. I know this question has already been asked, but nobody who answered wrote about how to solve the problem. Please help!




  1. Stop running/jogging.

  2. i have the same problem!!! and im a die hard runner so i put in al ot of experimentation with this, all you gotta do is do neck rolls ,just stand up straight and roll your neck through its whole range of motion for like 15 seconds, if you do it more, i wouldnt be suprised if you end up messing up your neck worse. that is when it hurt the spine part of my neck, you didnt specify if it was muscles bothering you or the bones, but if it is muscles i would suggest giving yourself a neck message, and dont forget to rub your trapz, that can also lead to neck pain,  

  3. I used to get that when i ran downhill and when i had not very supportive shoes. Maybe you should try getting a new pair of trainers. Running uphill will most likely decrease the pain anyway as you are looking up and it burns up more fat (: hope it helps x

  4. Maybe it has something to do with the way you stand when you're running. Try not bending forward or something... Why don't you go to a doctor, take a look at your back?


  5. that has happened to was my shoulders...i started working on lowering them (which took some practice) but my back stoped hurting when i ran.

  6. Check Your Form

    Take Tylonel or Advil before Running

    Assure you are Drining Enough Water

    Stretch Before and After Running

    Use a Heating Pad on Neck and Back

    Look into an ionized Necklace (they are supposed to help with blood flow)

  7. Get checked by a chiropractor. They'd be able to tell if it's back related or the kind of support or shoes you might be using. If it's unrelated, change your running style habits.

  8. How are you running? It's an odd situation.  Go to a running specialty store and talk to someone to get their opinion.  Hold your head firm when you run and don't let it hang floppily.  Your form means anything so you have to keep everything tight and rigid.

  9. Stop running NOW!

    You may have a serious injury, however, unlikely.

    Get your doctor to check.  There is no other solution

    One guy broke his neck as a young man and the injury only came to light when he was in his sixties.  He was very lucky the precise line of the break and his musculature had allowed him to continue functioning.  This was recently broadcast on a UK TV program.

  10. You have your shoulders back or slouching?  Head looking up, down, straight ahead?  Running on concrete, rubber track, grass, treadmill?  Try straightening out and/or strengthening your neck and back and see if that helps.  Probably just "bouncing" too much without enough neck muscle support to absorb the impact.

  11. This happens because you  are probably looking down.  Try running with you chin up and occassionally look down for hazzards.

    I used to have back pain in addition to  neck pain until I ran on the track. One of the runners on scholarship (very hot person I might add) told me to run proud.  Ever since then I only suffered from shin splints- that went away with Asics.  I'll never run in Nike again.

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