
When I say I'm home schooled what do you think of me automatically?

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When I say I'm home schooled what do you think of me automatically?




  1. Motivated


    Well-prepared for life

    and Lucky :-)

  2. honestly...




    I know this is just sterotypeing but I havn't meet many home-school kids and the few I have had been like that sorry. Personally I don't really think the actual teaching at home is the problem its just some parents who do it are lazy at arranging social contact for their kids. If you are homeschooled and also have the normal amount of social contact then your probably an excellent person with better education than most!

  3. that your awsome.

    im homeschooled.

  4. There is so much varation in home schooling situations that it would not make me think anything in particular about you.

  5. awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I think poor little sheltered girl, she probally has no social skills what-so-ever.

  7. I think that you are a home educated.. past that is pure speculation as no other facts have been given and I don't know you.

    On the other hand, I do have some automatic thoughts about the responders that write, "rich, anti-social, spoiled, sheltered, and no social skills".  Descriptive words that come to mind are shallow, intolerant, rude and making broad judgments.

    It is definitely a bad reflection on traditional schools and their endeavors to teach "tolerance and acceptance" of people that might be different, isn't it.  

    What is socialization?  To make fit for living in society.  I think these negative responders need to head back to school as they haven't completed their lessons on that subject quite yet. Let's just say that their social skills are truly lacking.

  8. I say you are very blessed to have parents dedicated enough to take the time and make the sacrifice to make sure you get the best education possible.  You are being taught to be an individual and not being put into a mold of what other people think you should be.  I say you are the future.

  9. Nothing in particular.There are various forms of eductaion and  home schooling is one of them.In Austraila in the outback kids are  home schooled because they are too far away from schools.

  10. Lucky!!! And I think you would have a great life.

    You are probably very social and intelligent.

  11. anti-social.

  12. Honestly,  I automatically think that either you couldn't function in "real school" or that your parents are isolating you for some reason.

  13. I think you're very lucky. Count your blessings. You'll be able to think for yourself, and think out of the box.

  14. spoiled

  15. totally blessed!

  16. intillegent.

  17. That you are probably more family-oriented than peer-oriented.

    Other than that... I can't say I think anything specific. I've met a wide range of homeschoolers. Most are very social; a few haven't been. Wide range of academic levels.

  18. I can't form any opinion on just that you are a homeschooler.  Every person is different and it really doesn't matter where you are educated.

  19. A human

    I think the day will come that we will be accepted as any other sector of civilization.  We will someday be accepted and respected on Y!A as we are in our face to face relationships.

    I have a dream!

  20. I try not to make snap judgments on anyone... so with a little thought and effort, this is what I think ... you are a fun loving 14 year old girl who is a professional model, loves to eat all foods and also loves animals.

  21. good for you!!It's a lot safer.!!

  22. That you are very lucky that your parents are involved in your education.

    Most of the home schooled kids we know are very well behaved, intelligent kids.

    Keep your zest for learning ........

  23. Yeah a fellow homeschooler! :)

  24. As a teacher I think of you as being no different than my other students however my experiences with homeschooled children will lead me to believe that while you have the academic skills you might be somewhat shy and thus you will not participate as much in class.  

    To those people that mention that homeschool children are rich and spoiled, you are sadly mistaken.

  25. I would like to think you're self motivated and above average in all areas.

  26. Don't listen to some people that say you are anti-social and everything like that because let me tell you. Homeschool is 9874562135878924788543377196714143543543... times better than public school! and let me tell you something else, I have better social skills then all those other kids in public school, I know how to have a real conversation, any kind, im not shy, nothing but that is just me but we homeschool kids are better politicians. what social skills are you going to learn at school!?!? talking about stupid stuff? I do the same outside with my neighborhood friends and my family I dont need to go to public school for social skills. Im just saying I LIKE LIKE LIKE LOVE homeschool, your teacher is your number one hero and that is what makes it fun and I am homeschooled too!! Don't listen to other people when they say you are not social and you have to activities and you are so sheltered because I don't need those losers over there to give me socializing, activity and other things.


  27. Superior education to those in public school.

  28. anti social


    lucky m**o

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