
When I sit at the computer I get really bad headaches?

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I am ten years old, My mom is concerned, I have a CSD ( Childhood Seizure Disorder, but I don't think it has anything to do with it. Do I need to get an eye exam.

I need like help now!!!

Because school starts next week!!




  1. Hey! I can't believe there's 5 plus answers before me and nobody has mentioned this!!

    It may have NOTHING to do with you at all, it may be your monitor settings!

    Try doing this:

    Right click on an empty area of your Desktop and click "Properties"

    Select the "Settings" tab (should be the last one) and adjust the resolution.

    Switch between 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 etc. See if that helps. If that doesn't don't give up hope! Try this:

    In the same way, open the Desktop properties window and once again go to the "Settings" tab.

    Now, select the "Advanced..." button.

    Choose the "Monitor" tab and check the box "Hide Modes that this Monitor cannot display."

    Now, in the "Screen Refresh Rate" select box, choose the highest number setting. Apply the settings and hit "OK". This should help. If it still doesn't help, try out the lowest settings. And if it still doesn't help try different combinations of screen resolutions and refresh rates.

    Eventually, if you've exhausted all of these options, maybe you do have some medical problem, but I wanted to point out that this DOES help. Sometimes the monitor is changing to fast for your eyes, or sometimes it is too slow for you.

    Hope this helps you!

  2. An eye exam is probably a good idea. I get headaches sometimes too so I make sure I'm not too close to the screen, that there is plently of light (looking at a bright monitor when your other surroundings are dark isn't helpful), that I'm sitting up straight, and I try looking away from the screen every few minutes.

    You can also get a screen that's sorta like sunglasses for your monitor. It makes the screen easier to look at.

    I'd get the eye exam and try the above. Good luck with school!

  3. You should probably get an eye exam. The small fonts or bright lights may be the problem. Try increasing or decreasing the font sizes on your computer screen and turning down the backlight.

    You may be staring at it too long or sitting too close. Take 20 second breaks every 20 minutes. Close your eyes, or look at something besides the screen for 20 seconds.

    If the problem persists, go to an ophthalmologist. The same thing was happening to me recently. But, with all lights not just computer screen. Turns out I had some pressure on my trigeminal nerve, which was causing migraines and I'm on an anti-inflammatory now.

    Whatever you do. Only take Aleve for the pain. It's the only aspirin that doesn't give you rebound headaches!

  4. Definitely ask your doctor. Everyone gets headaches at the computer, though. My doctor says that every 15 minutes you should give your eyes a break and look away and focus your eyes on something that's far away. Things like reading in the dark can also affect your headaches and eye sight.

  5. Don't worry, it just means you are on the computer for too long. This happens to me as well. Just take breaks every now and then. ;)

    It means that your eyes are getting a little strained or something.

  6. I would recommend going and getting your eyes checked you might need glasses and not even know it.

  7. turn down the light on your computer maybe the bright light. im ten too!

  8. go to the doc he will help

  9. Make sure you dont sit too close to the computer screen, and every couple minutes look away from the computer and stare at something far away.

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