
When I start my car in the morning it blows out a puff blue/white smoke.What gives?

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My 1998 Toyota camry has 200.204 miles. When I start the car in the morning or after a few hours blue /white smoke comes out of the exhaust and then disappears. Any advice guys on what the problem could be?




  1. Your valve seals and/or valve guides are worn out. After you shut off the engine, oil seeps past the seals and into the cylinder. Then the next day you start it up and burn the oil that's in there. You should get them replaced if it's burning too much oil.

  2. probably valve seals are worn out and the oil runs down on the valves overnight and when you start the car, it burns the oil off.

  3.    your timing my need to be corrected.

  4. Sounds like your piston rings are getting worn and a little oil seeps by them during the night, when you start it the next morning the oil burns off  real quick and clears right up for the rest of the day.  Make sure you check your oil level regularly as it could get low.

  5. possibly a head gasket with that many miles your motor shall be pooched i say time for a new car  

  6. Likely water in the exhaust pipe.

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