
When I stroke my little Puddy Cat from her head right down to her tail,she arches her back and pushes upwards

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Does she like the feel of my hand ? Or is she trying to push my hand away?

Thank you.




  1. aww she likes it!! believe me if she didnt you would know all about it!!!

  2. Vincent, you need to get out more!

  3.   I think you will find it has some thing to do with, wait for it! MATING !  it`s just natural when a tom cat is interested in a female one !!!!  need I say more !!

  4. One of ours does it too, there's a sensitive spot on her back, just before where here tail starts, and she loves to be scratched there. It's called the "elevator but" effect :-)

  5. well it just shows , when it comes to p**sy, you have the knack!

  6. It's just what cats do, it's no biggie. She may like the feel of your hand or she may not. Only your cat knows.

  7. She likes your hand, and is probably wanting you to scratch her back...

    Keep it up.  If she didn't like it, she'd walk away-

  8. Well, just like women. They like it! You should be getting a reasponce that they want you to do it to them again. I know my cat and my women does. lol

  9. I had a cat until last year when he (at 21) had to be put to sleep.  I can remember exactly what you describe.  I used to stroke him about a thousand times a day, and he would do that sometimes - I would get to a certain part of his back and he would 'arch' and push upwards.  But he certainly didn't want me to stop!  He was a lovely, common marmalade tabby, and I would give almost anything to have him back for 10 minutes.

  10. She likes the feel of your hand and is pushing upwards so she can feel even more of your touch. Also cats do this more when they are in season as when a male cat goes to mate with the female she will raise herself upwards so that the male can mount her and do his business with her,lol. Even neutered females show this behaviour quite often, it is perfectly normal.

  11. This is a reflex. Cats do it when they're happy, but they can't help doing it. If she is purring, then that means she likes it...she definately isn't pushing you away, all cats do this.

  12. Well my cat princess seems to like it although Snowball has a certain pint on his back he pushes up but it is extreamly painful there.he has some kinda of proble and dosnt like to be touched at a certain point so i guess it all depends i gess only you could know and or find out by trying diffrent things

    Hope this helps

    Regards Cherish

  13. All cats do that. When you get to near their butt, they stick it up. Dont know why, but they hate it.

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