
When I talk, people get bored and easily distracted. When others speak, the audience is rapt.?

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How do I learn to tell better stories or talk to the point where people want to hear what I have to say?




  1. Are you talking about normal conversation, or public speaking?

    In day to day conversation, the most important thing is not to drone on, but engage the other person by asking them questions and really listening to what they have to say.  The most boring conversations are with people who talk "at" you rather than talk "with" you...there is a big difference between the two.

    For public speaking, you need to take some lessons in effective public speaking.  There are lots of tricks good speakers use to engage the audience.  Again, the key is to engage with and listen to the audience...don't drone on without involving them in the presentation.

  2. i have that problem too. ill be like telling a story or something and then someone else will start talking and everyone turns there attention away from me and too them.   make sure your stories arent that long.  and people hate when you talkabout yourself.  talk about something that would interest most people in that vincinity

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