
When I told him this nighty he bought me(seepic) was too girly, he put it on and now says?

by  |  earlier

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he likes the feel of it and wants to wear it again! LOL! Luckily he does have the body for it!

How would you react if your guy wanted to come to bed in a girly nighty?




  1. I like it!  You really should rethink your descision not to wear it.  Thank your lucky stars that he chose a nice elegant piece rather than trying to dress you like "ultra-s**t".  Many, many men cause many many fights in their home by coming home with lingerie that is trashy, tasteless and UNCOMFORTABLE!!!  

    Give him a kiss, and put it on!

  2. Try buying him some 'male' lingerie.  Something that's manly, but s**y, like a thong.

    This will determine if he has a cross-dressing fetish, or if he just likes the feeling of 's**y' clothes.

  3. If it turns him on, take advantage of the opportunity!

    (It's really cute, and I imagine all his vital parts will be easily accessible in it.)

  4. I'd tell him to take it off; I didn't marry no girl.

  5. I would be rolling on the floor laughing, LOL, specially if he wanted s*x, how can u get sexually aroused when all you can do is laugh.

  6. That's not entirely nuts.  The first time I put on a silk shirt I was JAZZED by the feel of it.  And it was a bit large and loose, so I often wore it as a nightshirt--and my g/f liked it, too, so she wore it as a nightshirt until it fell apart.  It fit her like a sack--and it buttoned on the wrong side!  How unfeminine!

    If it feels great, and it's your bedroom, who cares about 'roles' or 'appearances?'

    P. S.   I do hope that Yahoo doesn't yank this question.  I get so tired of seeing that.

  7. First I would laugh hysterically, then I would take it off of him and make him forget that he ever wanted to be anything other than a man.

  8. adult content.  reported.

  9. I HOPE he's being funny.  Hahaha

  10. he's probably just joking.

    if hes serious then thats really weird.

  11. I would not like it at all.  But if he'd bought me a nighty I would have put it on, I would have considered it ungracious not to.

  12. let him wear it

  13. LOL that would be hilarious...I wouldn't know unless it really happened.

  14. I had one like that!

    I'd probably laugh and tell him to take it off ;).

  15. I'll bet he sure looked Purdy!! Haha!

    I am sure it was funny but why can girls come to bed now in raty pjs or mens boxers and we except it.

    If he likes wearinng a silky nighty so what!

    Just close your eyes so you can stop giggling long enough to sleep

  16. He was probably just joking.

  17. I like the nighty in the pic (actually, I like the girl in the pic in the nighty).  Your bf needs a lobotomy.  If it doesn't work out, give me a call.

  18. I'm going to have to go with scared.  Totally freaked out.  And a little grossed out too.  Not that the lingerie isn't nice, but that I'm not comfortable with a guy wanting to wear my underclothes.  That seems weird to me.

  19. Gaydar...... activated.

  20. Why didn't you respect his wishes to begin with, instead you feel the need to embarrass him.

  21. Right, "Gina." Did he "secreatly" put it on?

    Same old cross-dressing troll, different time-wasting improbably scenario.

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