
When I told my 3 year old son that a family member is dying he starting chatting about Peppa Pig

by Guest33777  |  earlier

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My partner's nanna is dying. I explained to my 3 year old son that we were saying goodbye to nanna because she is dying and she will go to heaven to live with the angels. He said "oh no" then started chatting about the tv show Peppa Pig. Does anyone who is familiar with this show know what the connection is that he might have made? I realise it could just be a random thing he started talking about but it might also be something he saw on the show that is related to what I told him.




  1. it is a cartoon - here is a link

  2. your child won't understand and talking about peppa pig whats a kids cartoon got to do with a family member dying

  3. he may have seen it that day or been thinking about it. He is 3. He has no concept of death, it really means nothing to him. A 3 year olds thoughts are pretty random, most likely there is no conection. I am sorry about the nanna

  4. Children as young as 3 rarely have understanding of what heaven and death is about-as far as they're concerned she may be back next week and its a holiday! Children are very ego-centric at this age and so he may not seem bothered at the moment but that is not neccessarily a bad thing.

    As for there being a link with Peppa pig it could just be a random comment or something in the room reminded him of it.

    You oculd try looking online or in the shops for chidlrens books on emotions you can often find books about issues such as death which may help you to get through to him.

    I'll have quick look online and if i see anything I'll edit my post.

  5. I don't think that a three year old really understands the meaning of death.

  6. I have watched masses and masses of Peppa Pig episodes and there are none that deal with with death- they are more day to day activities,  going to grandpas,  a picnic,  hide and seek,  putting a picture on the wall - so would guess it would just be a random thing he started talking about.

  7. I dont watch this show... erm.. anyway, the only thing that i can think of on this show, is that pepper pig does vist the grandpa and grandma pig sometimes. Thats about all. Sometimes pepper pig might say goodbye to the grand parent pigs, but thats if pepper pig is leaving the grandparents house.  

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