
When I turn 13 on September 20, and acouple of months after that, will I be able to produce sperm?

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just wondering.




  1. If your body has passed into Puberty, yes. It isn't something that comes about at a certain age. It is different for everybody.

  2. were you cursed by a witch at birth?

    WHAT ON EARTH would make you think 13 is the exact time we start producing sperm?

    goodness me, sometimes i think euthanasia is a d**n good idea

  3. Umm...

    Not really

    Just because you turn 13 doesn't mean anything.  You will produce it when you are ready.  It can be when you are 14 or 15, maybe even 16.  There is no time when we can say you will produce it.  It will just happen.

  4. i think you're already producing sperm and excreting them out of your body, you're just not aware of it.

  5. well dude dont just expect it to start on your b day it takes time dont worry its all good dont worry it willl produce soon and for every one there is a different age and time so be pacient and dont stress over it . it will happen and your penise will grow to but over time and its different for evert one .. good luck and again dont worry !!

  6. lol no... when your body is ready it will......  it can happen at 12 or at 16. it depends.... there is no age. just when you are developed.. and why are you so concerned.... you been doing things you shouldnt be doing?  or you want to do things you shouldnt do at that age.....  

  7. you've been producing sperm since you were a baby. just like a girl is born with all the eggs she's ever going to have. a boy is born with the ability to produce sperm.  

  8. lolol

  9. maybe. There is no set date. (One day, a very magical day, sperm will fly out of your p***s like a flock of doves <- sarcasm -_-)

    But anyways, it doesn't happen all at once, it slowly happens. Maybe you will have a little itty bit of sperm one day progressively over the next few years, you might be able to produce enough to fill a bath tub!

  10. On your 13 birthday you will be able to produce sperm.  

    How the h**l would we know when your body will produce sperm?

  11. You may be able to, but it depends where your body is in the stages of puberty. Everyone goes through them at different rates, so don't worry your time will come soon enough, but it's really hard to say exactly one because everyone grows and progresses at different rates.

    Hope I Helped

  12. It depends. When you start to hit puberty then you will. When your voice gets deeper and you get hairy then try.

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