
When I turn off my wii i take out the disc in it. is it alright if i dont. will it harm my wii?

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When I turn off my wii i take out the disc in it. is it alright if i dont. will it harm my wii?




  1. yh its fine even if you turn it off. wen you load it it will be normal and load it as normal but the disk is all ready on the main screen

  2. Well, what do youy prefer? leaving the disc in a machine full of parts that could scratch the disc if it falls or etc.? or leaving the disc in a box designed to carry that disc? i dont know about you but i prefer the disc case...i still leave then in the wii though i play a lot.

  3. no it will not harm anything just read what these other fellows had to say

  4. well if u dont turn the wii of it wastes electricity but if u leave the disc in there its perfectly fine

  5. Yeah there's definitely nothing wrong with that at all, in fact I ALWAYS keep a disc in my Wii - it saves time because the game will already loaded after you turn on your Wii.

    So don't worry about leaving the disc in, it's harmless. :) Unless of course your Wii has a tendency of falling over, which, unless you have it set up strangely, isn't likely... it's not like the Gamecube where you can trip over a controller cord or something...

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