
When I type, it takes forever for text to show up!

by  |  earlier

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Recently, I got a few viruses on my computer, and my anti-virus software said that it had cleaned all of the problems. Even though my computer appears to be virus-free, I'm still having small problems with slowness (although, for the most part, it seems to be running pretty well), and BIG problems with typing. I can hardly type without wanting to smash my computer with a hammer because I cannot go two lines of text without it pausing and taking 5 seconds to show the last few words that I typed. I can even type two or three lines worth of text before it shows up sometimes. The frustration that this creates is incredible, and I'm starting college in less than two weeks and absolutely need this laptop. Somebody please help.




  1. First thing to do is to clean out your trash, temp files, using the free program CCleaner ( or use Disk Cleanup in your System Tools file of the Accessories folder.....

    Now to assure you don't have malware on the system (your trouble is not caused by a virus, but by malware) you need to get and use a couple of free programs:

    SpywareBlaster : probably the most important program, and uses zero system resources

    Comodo BOClean, has been around for years and recently became free, is also another layer to add to your defenses, runs in background.

    SuperAntiSpyware will scan for and cleanup most malware, run manually.

    Malwarebytes Anti-malware

    Once you have all the malware off the system, using the free programs, and run the cleaner to get rid of the junk and trash, and do a defrag of your system you should be good to go and back in business just like you used to be..........

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