
When I urinate it comes out too strong. Remedies?

by  |  earlier

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I don't really want to go to my doctor about this because he's weird. Thing is, I have tried some natural remedies, but they haven't been much cop. It's a very infuriating and embarrassing problem because I take ages (truly generations) in the toilet and I have to make excuses to my friends when I've been wiping up all the spray for minutes on end!

I have been told by a confidant it might be a prostate problem but I'm scared of the consequences. One of my friends who knows about it just (in a jocular way) calls me "Splashy d**k" but he's a good mate otherwise so I don't mind (sorry if that last part was unnecessary but I want to show I'm not mega-worried about this.)

Thank you so much for any answers as long as they are serious and not mocking.




  1. From what i've heard, prostate enlargement usually causes slow and/or restricted flow, so you may need to keep searching for information.  I've heard Saw Palmetto (a supplement) helps with prostate issues as well as eating sunflower seeds.

    Not to immasculate you, but have you considered sitting to pee?  It would save alot of time and the hassles of wiping the bowl down afterwards.

    Good luck =)

  2. call me....4072350987

  3. You need to remove the cork.

  4. Please post pics and video footage..that will help us help you. Good luck Splashy!

  5. You need to snake your snake.


  7. One of the main problems could be that you're pushing too hard.

    Don't strain when urinating.    Wiping up the spray?     How about aiming better, or sitting down on the toilet to urinate?

  8. Drink less fluids. Urinate more frequently. You should not allow your bladder to get so full before you evacuate.

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