
When I use a discount coupon of any kind, are they a good thing if it only shifts higher costs to nonusers?

by Guest57240  |  earlier

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I am a big believer in that there is "no free lunch" when I use them.




  1. Discount coupons get customers into the store. These customers spend money in the store and, at least it will cover costs and aditional purchases are extra profit.

    Get them? go to <> and many other web sites.

  2. I'm confused - can you make an example?  if a company/partnership/whatever gives out coupons, it's because they are trying to make you think that they are 'lower' cost even though they're the same.damned.thing.  They are either a) trying to stay competetive or else b) they are trying to get rid of items that no one wants.  I mean - lowering costs means everyone can have it and it isn't worth it.  we all as humans think we are better if we can have what we want, when we want.  If others can have it, that means we arent' special and it's just not taht important to have.  It's disgusting.  If I can buy/find it second hand for free and trade it for something I have for free/low cost, I'll do that.  if I can make it or grow it or sew it for lower-cost (time is figured too here) then I'll do that.  I see no reason to spend money on something that's going to disentigrate anyway.

  3. coupons is an expense written off on the income statement under S,G, & A...take an accounting class and you'll figure out that companies have expenses and theres even such a thing as bad debt

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