
When I was 14 my dad was 58 and my mom was 54. Is that embarrassing old?

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I was also the youngest of 8 kids




  1. Not really- my dad was 65 when my brother turned 18, so it's not like you are alone in having older parents, Ellie. People are marrying and waiting until later in life to have kids, and this is one of the side effects of that. It's no big deal, so get over it.  


  3. it really doesn't matter....I'm guessing you have siblings in their 20's or 30's...its normal I'm 14 and i have a 25 year old sister my 'rents are 47 + 48....their is no reason you should be embarrassed

  4. I'm the youngest of 2, and my parents were almost that age when I was a teen.. lemme see.. when I was 14 my dad would have beeen 52 and mom 48.. almost that old..

    BUt my MOM was the youngest of 11.  Her mom was 46  years older than her.. Try THAT... LOL...  

    Mom also has a couple bros and sis (the oldest ones) that are 20+ years older than her.

    Basically, I think my grandma was having kids from the time she was 18 until 33.. then had one more (my mom) at 46..

    Talk about age gaps...  

  5. wow, if I were to see you with them on the streets I would think that you are with young grandparents...not old parents

  6. yes.

    and i though my parents were old

    i'm 14 my mom is 33 and my dad 38

  7. THAT is nothing.

    Im 14 my mom is 45 and MY DAD IS FRIGGIN 75!!!!!!!!!!

    try living with that


  8. if you are the youngest, then that's normal. because the first kid could have been born while your mom was 20. so it's nothing to be ashamed of.

  9. you should never be embarrassed of you parents

    i am 15, my brother is 10 and my mother is 45 but my dad is 51

    but he was the youngest

    so it doenst matter

    and even if your parents are just old it doesn't matter

    because they are your parents

    and there for you

    and love you

    and care for you

    and that's all that should matter

  10. No. When I was 14, my dad was 66 and my mom was 51. I know how it can be, but you really shouldn't be embarrassed about it.

  11. My dad was 45 when I was born, so when I was 10 he was 55, so on and so forth, but I was never embarrassed.  You are the youngest of 8 children, it's not like they just decided 14 years ago to start having kids.  Who cares how old your parents are, and if anyone does, they have WAY too much time on their hands.

  12. It's not embarrassing at all, my dad is 54 and my mum is 51, i'm 13 (14 in 3 DAYS) anyway i'm not embarrased because it just means that they waited until they were ready to have kids and not just have them for the sake of having them. I wouldn't care what anyone said because they look after me just as well as anyone younger than them, the only down side is they have quite old fashioned ideas about stuff like boyfriends and suchlike (for instance my dad wants to meet any boyfriend i get so i'm put off getting a boyfriend!! LOL)

  13. no i have a best friend that has a dad that is 61 and a mom that is 59 thats nothing to be ashamed of

  14. Well, since your parents have 8 kids - it's not that bad. I mean, a little older, but still.  

  15. i don't think so

  16. Don't worry, my great grandpa was 25 years older than my great grandma, that's nothing to be embarrassed about though. =]

  17. No, my friends parents are in their early 60s, and she is 19.  Nothing wrong with that.  Also my boyfriend's little brother his 7, and his dad will be 51 in December.

  18. No, Its good. It would be if you were the oldest.

  19. not really. i realised that alot of kids my age (15) have older parents. my mother is 42 and her bf is 51. my friend is 15 and her parents are almost 60

  20. Of course not! Your parents care for you just the same if they were 20 and 22! It makes no different the age of a person, just the size of the heart :)

  21. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. My parents are older than most too. My parents are 59 & 57 and I'm 19, I don't find it embarrassing because they don't act their age. They're your parents! You can't change them, so love them as they are.

  22. my freind is 12 and his dad is 60 and his mom is 56. yes im serious lol and i go over to his house almost every weekend

  23. To be honnest it's a little weird unless  you have older 20 or 30 years old siblings

  24. age means nothing i wouldn't worry about it if i was you.. there your parents and its not like you didnt have older siblings...

  25. nah..that's not too bad. I have a friend that's 16 and his parents are in their 70s.


    but he also has much older siblings.  

  26. I'm fourteen and my parents are both in their fifties.....My mom is fifty-two and my dad is fifty-five.

    I don't see anything wrong with it.......

  27. I'm 13, my dad's 34 and my mom's 31. Oh and you're fine usually nobody cares how old your parents are. I don't know why they would anyway. I'm the oldest of 7 kids.

  28. well my dad just turned 54 yesterday and my step mom is 46 and i have a 4 year old sister how do you think she will feel bye the way im 20

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