
When I was 16 I had a casual job while also on Youth Allowance from Centerlink. Do I need to do a tax return?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sure I was paying tax on the job, but not on Centerlink. Will I need to lodge a tax return for that year? Its been 6 years, but I seem to recall being told at school I didn't need to do a tax return because I was under 18. Any help would be great =)




  1. naaah... if you didn't do it then, they wont track you down...

    Even though I did my first tax return at 16...  

  2. Normally you do if you are on a Centrelink taxable pension/payment (which YAL is) you would combine your group certificate with your group cert centrelink would have sent you and lodge. I believe you only have lodge if your taxable income is over a certain amount. it tells you inside the tax pack  eg your on a pension and your taxable income is over $18,000 or whatever. This is is why many people get tax taken out of their payments as they go along as you are liable to pay tax on your total taxable income.

    If you talking about 6 years ago I wouldnt worry about it !  

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