
When I was in Italy, I heard a song that was about "Influenza de la Pollo"; it was a funny song, but I don't

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speak Italian, and I have no idea what it was called or who it was by. It seemed to be a parody song-- like by the Italian Weird Al. Can anyone tell me what it was called or who it's by? It actually wasn't about Bird Flu, but rather, it seemed to be quite ... crass.




  1. the only one I heard was (shad up a yu face) now that was funny all the clubs sang it, its a nica place a shudup a yu face.

  2. well pollo is chicken in Italian..maybe its about the bird flu and chickens...

  3. "Influenza dei Polli " not "influenza de la Pollo"

    it's not really funny, it was referred to the Bird Flu

    Pollo in italian means chicken

    i'm italian

  4. hi..i'm Italian but I never heard it... but sounds funny

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