
When I was in Jamaica last year, one of the locals was going to pick me some "twista berries"? I think thats

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what he called them. He is quite poor and wanted to do something nice for me. I have become friends with him in my past few visits there and I was touched by this simple act of kindness. Can anyone tell me what these berries are? The date was late November and they were ripe at that time. Thanks




  1. Maybe they're sorter like blueberries or raspberrys just in their sorter slang :)

  2. Please describe the berries, colour, taste shape. We have a lot of berries and they have no special season may be if you say where in Jamaica you were it would also helps. there is also a fruit called Naseberry.

  3. I am Jamaican but i have never heard any berries called that name............sorry

  4. it a poisonous berry...

    that wouldnt be real good to eat xD

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