
When I wash my face, do I use warm, hot, or cold water?

by  |  earlier

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Which helps treat acne better?




  1. Well extremely hot water isnt good for teh skin becaus it dries out the skins natural oils.But in my opinion i think warm but not cold water is the best so it helps open the pores and at the same time cleans your face teh best while keeping the faces natural oils.

    I hope i helped and good luck!

  2. Wash your face in warm water because it kills more dirts that are trap in your pores. You can use hot water it will work best, but it can burn your face. I suggest using warm water.

  3. Wet your face with hot water to open your pores, put the face wash on, wash it for a minute, then rinse with cold water

  4. either...i like luke makes the skin soften up when u use scrubs...that is about it really...i suggest that because the red bumps and eruptions u have are basically a bacterial like n e infection, pretty warm water is good to kill some of that bacteria off u and the area...i use cold only when my face is needin that cold water to cool off when im way if u use acne medications, and u use a scrub a few tiems a week and of course use a toner...ur good...always moisturize too and use spf...usually u can find combinations of moisturizer for the face with spf in it now...i like light ones unless ur face feels exceptionally dry to u all the do pretty warm water and ul be good to go...just make sure u dont rub ur face with ur hands and always clean ur hands and make up or objects u put on ur face before u put em on u...again bacteria and other debries getting in pores isnt so great hehe...too hot causes the natural oils to come off of ur keep it warm...u can do cold jsut as long as ur using something that has a bacteria killing agent in it...lole antibacterial, or sacilic acid or benz. perox

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