
When I went for ultrasound scan and found there was no heartbeat. I passed the baby 3 days ago.?

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I found out on the 21st there was no heartbeat. Baby was delivered on thursday27th. All I need to know is IF the depression I'm going through is normal?




  1. Of course it's normal.  You have just lost a baby and it completely normal to feel emotional and very down.  Some of this will be your hormones being all over the place and it will take a while for your body to get back to normal but importantly, you are grieving for your lost baby - that will take longer.  You will come to terms with your loss in time but you have been through a terrible experience so give yourself time.  I am so sorry for your loss.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss! You just have to remember that there things happen and that you did the best you could!

    You are never alone in this situation and you have to look forward!  

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss - the same thing happened to me and the depression you feel is normal. You are experiencing different sorts of emotions which is expected - there are people you can talk too about this. Your doctor can put you in touch with someone. Take care x

  4. Yes my darling, it is. So sorry. I know you will of heard this already, but the pain will ease. Grieving is good but don't give up on life.  

  5. I believe that is only normal.   I can not imagine how you feel.  Best of luck to you and keep your head up.  

  6. of corse its normal,so sorry for your loss..we lost one a few years ago...and we still wonder ''what if'' now...

  7. of course it is! I'm soo sorry that this happened to you!

  8. How far along were you?Im so sorry for your lost.Remember that everything happens for a reason.It isn't your fault so please dont start having remorse.You can always ask your Doctor to refer you to a counselor but I think you can heal yourself.When you're ready,just try again.Remember to take folic acid before trying and throughout your pregnancy.Best wishes!

  9. of course

  10. This might be due to weakness and some times cannot observed with instruments.  For depression you should avoid Dals and nuts  in the night take during day time. If blood presssure is there then put youdsr feet in bearable hot water for 15 to 25 minutes or till the water give reliefe or hot.  Before drink one glass of water and put wet towel on your head.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss.  Yes the depression you are experiencing is normal.  Your hormones are all over the place right now.  If you get any serious thoughts like suicidal ideation then you should get help immediately.  Or if it lasts for more than a few weeks talk to your OB/GYN

  12. yes very normal and i felt like that when i had a m/c and its very normal u will get over it but it will always be in the back of ur mind. if ur husband seems that he is not supportive its b.c he doent understand its very common with men good luck and lots of baby dust  

  13. It is a natural part of the grieving process to feel the way that you are feeling.  I have lost 2 babies that way and another 4 spontaneously, the last one a few days ago.

    You will be asking yourself lots of questions as to why it has happened and it is perfectly natural.  I can assure you it will get easier.  You will never forget the baby that you have lost but you will be able to find the strength to get your life back on track.

    If the feelings remain for a long time and you feel like you cannot get over the lose then it may be time to speak to your doctor about it.

    I wish you all the best xx  

  14. Of course it is, you lost your baby! If you weren't depressed I would think there was something wrong with you as you weren't at all connected emotionally to your pregnancy.

    It takes time to get over. It gets a little better every day as time goes on.

    I'm sorry for your loss, good luck in the future.

  15. It is very normal to feel depressed and although it doesn't feel like it it will pass. I lost two pregnancies before this my third. I remember the depression and the awkwardness around people who were pregnant and the feeling that there was something wrong and i wasn't really a woman if i couldn't carry a child. Everyone deals with things different and whatever you are feeling is normal for you. Don't bottle it up. speak to family and friends about it. It really does help. I found the worst thing was having people looking or speaking as if they feel sorry for you. Keep your chin up, it will pass just give yourself time.

    Sorry for your loss.

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