
When I went to McDonalds today?

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I used the mens room. I couldn't help but notice that someone had put a Big Mac in the urinal. Is this illegal in Idaho? What about Vermont? Would the same law apply if it was a double cheeseburger?




  1. I wish I had as much free time as you do to ask such pointless and stupid questions...

  2. awesome

  3. I don't know about this being illegal.  All i know is that this is very wrong.  As far as the double cheeseburger goes, why don't u try it, and then pee on it. I am sure u won't get in trouble, how would they know it was even u???

  4. haha i guess they are trying to make a point. maybe their way of saying they dont like mcdonalds.

  5. That's outrageous!  I'm sure it must be illegal and the culprit must be caught!  I would suggest you speak with your congressman about this travesty.

  6. Thats where I would have  put it as well. McDonalds food suck. They have become all about money and less about good taste....Yrs ago we use to joke about what kind of meat they put in their burgers but as of late I believe it. their burgers taste like sh*t...

  7. What I find funny and confusing is that what would go through someones mind to make them take a big mac to the mens room, how?

  8. Maybe...... but...... unfortunately, I am not very clear about the law......

  9. i know its insanely unhealthy but

    i LOVE their food! its not high-quality but its still delicious to me. who would throw a big mac in the urinal?

    thats pretty sick. did you pee on it?

  10. wat a daft question

  11. I don't think that is illegal but I can't believe you wasted  points even asking this question.

  12. hardy har har

  13. owww!!

  14. Easy 2.......YAY!!!!!!

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