
When Iran Bombs USA after McCain is elected, how many Americans will be safe living in his cheek?

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When Iran Bombs USA after McCain is elected, how many Americans will be safe living in his cheek?




  1. lol, Iran bombs USA.

    I'm sorry, I can't even take that seriously.  Iran would never do that, it would be a death sentence for their regime and it would clear the way for legitimate US military action, probably accompanied with a coalition of forces including most countries in the world.

  2. None.

    It's good to know that, like all liberals, you think cancer is funny.

  3. dude,you got it a*s*s backwards ,its when obama(hope not ! ) gets elected.our enemies know that the libs are spineless and can be manipulated into fear and surrender

  4. Iran bombing the USA. Funny.

    How do you think Americans would fare under Obama in this situation?

  5. you may believe the Iranians are crazy, but they are not stupid

    bombing the US would only make things worse for them, and villanize them in the eyes of the world ... much like invading Iraq has done to us

  6. the squirrels seem to get by ,  its the me world , and a repub. can really pack it away for a rainy day

  7. Personally, I'm glad McCain can make a decision based on knowledge and experience. As opposed to someone who had to visit Iraq, to learn he should put his foot in his mouth. Now he sees that our troops have to remain there. Four years ago, we flushed the John that was flip flopping, we'll have to flush this dumb-ocrat too.

    Good Luck,  :-/

  8. hmmm....I'm thinking that Yahoo! should incorporate a "No Chumming" rule in the TOS....

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