
When Is It Good To Start "Tummy Time"?

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how old should the baby be before you try to give them tummy time to develop muscles..? i know every baby is how about an aproximate age




  1. My Doc said around 4-5 weeks. Our daughter was a tummy sleeper though, so she always fell asleep, too.  

  2. personally i would wait a little while, at least until they are old enough to focus on things around them and have a little interest in looking at doc even said that 'tummy time' wasn't really even necessary in that kids that have none catch up to the ones who did very gal is 2 mos and we do it, usually with the boppy to help her , and i get down on her level and move some toys around; as soon as she looks tired or bored, we quit...

    personally i think if you are going to do it at least give them a month to adjust to all the other things coming at them...i have seen some fanaticals say day1!!

    but believe me, if ur child has good interaction and play they will not suffer from starting at a month instead of day one...

    my gal has always had strong neck muscles and she can even sit for short periods in her bumbo already; and again, i have a hand by her head in case she gets tired and as soon as she looks tired she comes out!

    good luck

    btw i don't know if she gets the muscle control from the 'workouts' or if she gets them from me holding her up on my shoulder, bc she always holds her head up as long as she can to look around...and she uses her legs to push off of me, the couch, or anything she can, so who knows...and as far as the flat spot...a few mins a day here and there aren't going to keep a flat spot away if the baby lays on his head for the rest of the day...anything that keeps them from lying on their back will help; baby carrier (like bjorn), holding baby, playing with baby, baby baths, etc...turn their heads from one side to the other if they don't turn their heads on their dd always turns her head from side to side when she sleeps on  her back.....and

    a baby sleeping during tummy time is defeating the purpose...

    and again on the flat head...if your baby doesn't turn their head, or is starting to look like they may be flattening, google noggin nest...i bought one before she was born, but haven't needed it other than for head support when she was really young...ppl are always commenting (believe it or not) on how 'symmetrical' her head and face are...LOL

    for those that use a boppy for tummy time, google 'giggle gadgets' by boppy, it's a cover that has loops to add toys to the boppy, it's really cool and much prettier in person, i have only found it at target online, but i am sure others have it, i didn't even see it on boppy's

  3. The pediatrician told me from 1-2 wks on you should start tummy time in small amounts of time (about 5 minutes) a few times a day while baby is awake and you are supervising then as they get older the time can get longer.  

  4. Both of my girls loved to be on their stomachs right from the start.  Whether it's laying on my chest, across my lap, on the couch, floor or the boppy, they've done it since about a week old.  And of course never leave them alone when they are.  

  5. right away. The more tummy time they have while they are awake the faster the muscles will get stronger. It's okay if they are awake and on their tummies. Just make sure nothing is around their face and you are watching. My daughter has always had tummy time from right away and she can hold her head up very well. People are always commenting on how well she holds her head up. And she is already holding herself in a sitting position by herself. With out the bumbo. :) Of course I am there next to her in case she gets tired and tips.

    EDIT: Those parents that I have talked to seem to have a harder time doing tummy time the older their baby gets. Say like older than a month. So if you start out early and get baby used to it then you will have no problem. But I have seen babies that were started later and have very flat heads in the back and refuse to be on tummy or sides.

  6. At any age, it is how they develop the muscles in their neck to hold their head up, and the muscles in their arms to push up on them. It also helps prevent flat spots on the back over babies head too.

    I would do it any time they are awake for a few minutes at first. It's best to do it while they are awake at such a young so they do not get use to sleeping on their tummys with the risk of SIDS now.

  7. any time is good for tummy time, i started putting my daughter on her tummy at 1 week old.... ( watching her of course, never leave a baby unattended while on her/his belly) but my daughter was able to hold her head up very well faster than I thought..

  8. Personally, I think babies can be given tummy time from birth (with supervision).

    Its recommended to sleep babies on the backs to lessen the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) however my son was a belly baby and had good head control so he loved his tummy time.

    I googled it and found the following article which you may find helpful:

  9. You can do tummy time for little bits a day at any age.  

    I started my daughter at tummy time around 4 weeks old.

    They say when they start to hold their head up for short intervals that s a good time to start!

  10. My baby is 5 weeks and i give her tummy time, but she usually ends up falling asleep lol

  11. Tummy time at any age is a good thing.  When your baby is really young, make sure to supervise very closely.  Often a baby's tolerance is pretty low for the amount of time they like to spend on their tummy but the more time they spend there the more they will grow to like it.

  12. when they can hold there head up good

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