
When Is The Best Age To Have A Child?

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I got married whenI was 19. My wife and I had our first baby at 21 and our second at 23. Both me and my wife are 25 and happy. We live in a nice house, both work and are happy about our lives. Many people think that we were to young to have children. We dont think so. When so you think is the right age to get married and have children?




  1. I think your age is fine!  I had my son when I was 21, got married at 22 (yes I know did it backwards).  It doesn't matter what your age is, you have a good life, a good home and a happy family.  Personally I couldn't ask for anything more.

    It just depends on the person and their situation and when they feel they are ready to have children.  You and your wife were obviously ready.  What other people think is just their opinion, try not to let it bother you.

  2. For me, the right age will be whenever i am established in my career and financially and when i have husband and a home of our own.

  3. Wow.I think that when you are mature enough and of course can afford a child then you should think about having kids.Many people want children but don't really put much thought into what it really takes to raise a child.

  4. 25 ish is ok I feel, happy it has worked out for you two mind!. I was 33 and wish I had children earlier!. Also depends on your maturity - both.  

  5. I had baby number one at 20 second at 22 and married at 23 so I'm with you on being young not being a problem... I think it's an individual thing - whether your 16 or 46 when you start having kids, if you aren't ready you aren't ready.

  6. I'm not exactly sure why you're asking this question. The part that throws me off is when you say you're both happy. Who cares what other people are long as you two are really happy! The right age is different for every couple. My fiance and I are 26 and 27 and are TTC....and are both really happy. :)

  7. My parents were the same as as you when they got married and had 3 kids by the time they were 25. Were happy. Working and what not. No problems.

    I think that if you are happy in your life. stable and what not. go for it. For each person it's different. and for women the older they get the higher their risks are for adverse pregnancies and not being able to conceive.

    My first child i did have a bit too young (two months off 16) and he is now 4. happy and healthy. But he did not ruin my life, because of the choices i made and the support i had. I finished my high school. and now i'm attending university doing my bachelor of nursing. I'm engaged (not to the father) and my fiance loves my son like he is his own. and we are now trying for a baby of our own.

    SO yeh i just believe it comes down to the choices you make, your life situation and if you feel you are ready.  

  8. I think it is stupid and pig headed to put an age on love, marriage and children.  I was 19 when I got pregnant, then I got married and bought a house before my first was born.  My husband is 4 years older than me and we where only together for 2 years prior to this.  There was no doubt about how much we loved eachother and we had been through many big events in a short time.  Now I am 24 and my 4th is on the way.  We have a decent house, 3 dogs, a cat and we get by.  Our kids have evrything they need and tons more, they are completly spoiled really.  They don't act spoiled but they have a lot.  My husband and I will always love eachother and I know we will keep going up and growing as people.  People always think I am too young, or have too many kids, or have them too close together, too many dog, need more alone time and so on.  Everyone seems to think that their way is the best was or the only way that it should be.  I think it totally depends on the person.  If I could go back in time and do it all over again I would not change a thing.  Not one thing.  I love having a big family that is full of love.  I can't say I have every material thing that I want but we live well and do the things that are important to us.  We want to go to Disney World every other year and that is what we do.  We live in a great community and anyway it does not matter what other people think.  Age is just a number and that is it.  People are so opinoinated when it comes to  "the right way to do things".  Oh well.

  9. 24-26.

  10. i think when you are ready is. i think to me that 23 and older is a good age but that is my opinion. i think 25 and older for children but idk i am still wayy 2 young 2 worry about all this =)

  11. 14 then when your kid grows up you can party with then cause your not that old.  Just joking, 25 is the best, you know where your going in life and should be mature enough.

  12. I think it depends on each individual person.   Don't stress what others say if your happy- so be it.

    I had my first baby at 25, Im pregnat now with my second and I'll be 28 by the time he comes.  By boyfriend was 31, and will be 34.  But we only waited because we weren't "settled" like you were at such an early age.  No other reasons.

  13. whenever the couple feel happy :)

  14. the best age to have a child is either when your married or when you and your partner are ready to bring a little one in to the world well hoped i helped  good luck  

    but remember whats ever good for you  

  15. I think people should be at least 25, but if you have a committed partner and the financial means, then have the baby.

  16. i wouldn't say when your ready but more like when your more responsible and able to care for yourself and your family i got married at 19 ill be 21 in december and I'm pregnant with our first child due in november and I'm fortunate enough that if my husband and i were to split neither one of us would struggle as single parents

  17. Depends on the couple.  I believe a couple should be married for at least 3-5 years before having a child and should be financially secure and be happy in the marriage.  For some people that is in their early 20s, for others that is 30s.  Depends.  I don't think you were too young if you are both happy now.

  18. When you find the right person and feel in your heart that it's time.  For some people that could be early 20's, for others maybe late 30's or older.  There is no one best age. If it was right for you, don't worry about what other people think.  Be thankful.

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