
When Is it OK to Smoke??

by  |  earlier

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First of all please dont tell me I shouldnt be smoking or I need to quit, I know that and have a date set along with my best friend for support and am going to stick to it. Also, I am 19 years old. I just got my tonsils taken out 12 days ago and until now have been unable to smoke a cigarette. I am going crazy and feel as if I am well enough to smoke a cigarette but am not sure when is the appropriate time to be able to start again. I actually got them taken out by a pediatrician, due to the fact that my regular doctor was out of town and when i asked him, all he said is i shouldnt be smoking. Does anyone know how long after getting my tonsils removed do I have to wait before I can start smoking again? Whether its a certain amount of days or certain things to wait or look for? Thanks




  1. it is never OK.....


  2. You need to ask your doctor again, I tried smoking once after I had strep throat and felt like death. We all know it is bad to smoke, but your doctor needs to realizre that people do smoke and don't want to cause any more harm than necessary.

  3. Personally, I'd treat this as an opportunity not to start again.

    However, you can try today if you like.  Depends on how your throat feels, basically.  You are past the point of a having a bleeding episode, so whenever you feel the urge, try it.  I know how hard it is to give up smoking, so it really doesn't matter what any one says about the dangers of it.

  4. Think about the next hospital visit. Next time you may have part of your throat removed. Throat cancer is on the increase, amongst smokers.

  5. It's NEVER ok

  6. If you feel like you're healthy enough to smoke then you probably are. It was the same thing with my wisdom teeth, I was told not to smoke for a week and I smoked 2 days later because I could physically tell I was healed, and I was just fine.

    Also, get a new doctor who will actually give you medical advice when you need it. That's weird he didn't tell you.

  7. I dunno I would think when you feel better and when you off all your meds they give you after the surgery. I'm going to smoke at 10 for my smoke break :)

  8. Smoke as soon as you feel like it. If your throat is still bothering you, you can hold some ice in your mouth while you smoke. Or you can light two cigarettes and smoke them with your nose. Seriously, this works. The first couple of inhales will burn your sinuses, but after that, you will be fine. And it is cool to smoke that way - the smoke is thick and rich, and you can fill your lungs completely with smoke, not mixed with air, so it is very satisfying.

  9. Since you haven't smoked a cigarette for 12 days why would you start again?? your body is slowley getting used to it...which is GOOD..if u start smoking again itll be even harder to stop.  

  10. Hmmm Im pretty sure you can smoke now, but maybe just smoke half at a time you know? Also you should use some mouth wash afterwards just in case. But i think you'll be ok. You should be pretty healed by now

  11. Since you've asked a stupid question about smoking, I'll give you a stupid answer.

    It's okay to smoke after the fire has gone out and you've become a smoldering hunk of BBQ'd flesh.

  12. How about quit and you don't have to worry about it

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