
When Liberals wave the American Flag, but protest your job, does it bother you?

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Do any Soldier's think it's time to pull out of Iraq, like Obama, and the Democrats want? Do you think the Democrats at the DNC are sincere when they wave the American Flag, but want the US Soldiers, and government to pull away from the commitment you have made to fight in Iraq?

Military, and those who know only, please? It's real important that I get it straight from you all. Muchly appreciated, and God Bless.




  1. USAF vet of 22 years.  Wearing a flag pin does not make you patriotic.  Many democrats have served their country.

    Maybe you could expalin why most of the gulf and Iraq war vets that run for office do so as democrats?

  2. No, it bothers me when they desecrate the National Color. Yes, there are soldiers who think it’s time to pull out of Iraq…maybe even some that want to pull out ‘like Obama and the Democrats want’. I don’t think most Democrats (politicians) are sincere, period. I wouldn’t trust most Democrat (politicians that is) to save my seat at a bar so naturally I may be reluctant to want them in high positions in government…especially the two jokers we have going for that position now.

  3. what does waving the American flag have to do with pulling out of iraq?

    so its unamerican to want to pull out of iraq? Plenty of people think our jobs done over their, can you blame them? we are not doing much more, we destroyed their military, and you cant really fight terrorist that dress like civilians and blow themselves up, but standing over their and getting in car crashes and blown up.

    I leave for basic in a few months and expect to go to iraq afterwords, but i agree we shouldn't be over there much longer, and wanting to pull out does not make someone and less American than someone that is for the war.

    Yuiry. do you think that republicans and democrats are different species? one party is not born liars.

  4.   Liberals are as much Americans as conservatives that is what makes America great we are United.  There is a group of christians  that protest at soldiers funreals blaming the deaths on US policy but that doesn't make all christians bad.  So grow up and understand other people thinking if not you need to move to another country.

      Conservatives for Obama 08

  5. just because you dont support war dont mean your not patriotic. im filipino and yet im proud to be American citizen but i oppose the war and want them to pull out. dose that make me unpatriotic. not all the people in the army want the war  

  6. Not at all - it's one of the freedoms we fight to defend.  I don't have to agree with them nor they with me.  Freedom of expression is a right many in the world don't get to enjoy.  

  7. More soldiers contributed to Obama's campaign then to anyone else. Maliki and the Iraqi government want us out of Iraq and most soldiers I've known don't want to stay in Iraq. I myself am an army veteran, and will be proudly voting for Obama. If nothing else, McCain has a horrible voting record concerning veterans.

  8. Yes - they should be waving the flag instead of one of the Axis of Evil countries...that would be much more appropriate for them!


  9. To answer  your question - No.  Why should it.

    Iraq is ready for the US to pull out.

    The American system works like this:

    People vote.

    People pay taxes.

    People get to express themselves.

    Being a soldier in Iraq is noble, but it doesn't take away the fundamental rights of the people who vote.  

    If you are a true soldier, you took an oath to support the Constitution.

    Support it.  You took the oath.

  10. There are some of us Iraq War Veterans that have never been for the War in Iraq. I am against and was against the war when it first started. I am a flag waving Viet Nam era, Desert Storm, and Operation Desert Storm veteran.

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