
When McCain/Palin win the election what will you do?

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Throw a party in honor of them

Cry cause the false messiah didn't get in

What will you do?




  1. I will breathe a sigh of relief in the knowledge that the forces of evil have been held at bay for at least four more years.

  2. Happy that people voted for a common sense pick. I will also be relieved that a radical liberal isn't in office.

  3. Oh, I think I will be too tired from all the partying at the McCain campaign headquarters that I'll be doing on election night--and the thrill of watching the results come in to throw a party of my own :).

  4. !. Thank God!

    2. Jump for joy!

    3. Have a party!

  5. i will throw a party baby!!!! GO MCCAIN/PALIN!!! : )

  6. I wouldn't cry but I would be very disappointed, many more people in my age group will die in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11!

    Obama is no more the Messiah than Bush is, the Anti-Christ.

  7. PARTY !!

    Obama wants to give our sovereignty away to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  8. dont you mean if they win, which they wont.  especially now.  McCain ruined his chances. hahahaha!

  9. Kill myself

  10. I will be relatively happy. I'm voting for McCain in November, though I'm not crazy about him.

    If Obama wins I won't be too unhappy either. It's mostly the freakish "cult of Obama" that scares me.

  11. be so surprised kill myself assuming i'm dreaming.

  12. Wake up and take a shower and realize it was just a nightmare.

    It would only happen in a parallel universe...wake up

  13. I will wake up from my dream and read the headlines: Obama/Biden win in electoral college landslide!    

  14. parrrty :)

  15. Breathe a HUGE sigh of relief.

  16. I wouldn't cry nor would I would throw a party. To tell you the truth nothing would surprise me about the elections in this country any more. I'll cast my vote the way I see fit, and whatever happens will happen. We will have to accept whoever is placed in that office. Be it Obama or McCain.

  17. I'll wait the celebrating out to see if he sticks with his proposed plans.

  18. don't worry they won't win.

    McCain will be in a nursing home or trying to figure out which house he wants to retire in and Sarah Palin will go back to Alaska and hopefully be indicted for her abuse of power and lying.

  19. Watch Hillary and Bill high five each other and start work on their Clinton 2012 posters.  

  20. Won't happen. Guarantee it. These things are predetermined now. Obama wins.

  21. Celebrate, then offer my sincere condolences to my misinformed, misguided friends and associates.

  22. probably feel kinda sick to my stomach.  

    still, even mccain will be at least a minor improvement over gw.

    But hopefully more and more people will overcome their irrational fears and see that Obama is the type of candidate this country really needs as president.

  23. I will choose a graduate school in New Zealand, where I'll have a chance at a future.

  24. Be prepared for the riots that will follow.

  25. IF they win, which they wont, i'll get over it and just wait for the next four-year-disaster to be over and done with.

    But i'm resting easy. McCain was more of a threat before he chose Palin. He committed campaign-suicide and handed the election to Obama.


  26. Heave a great sigh of relief for the thousands of American, British, Canadian and Dutch soldiers' lives that will be saved, as well as their new brothers-in-arms of the new Iraqi and Afghan armies.

  27. Shrug it off, and prepare for more economic disaster the next four years.  

  28. Wonder how in the world someone like you is ever going to get the education required to understand that asking hypothetical questions as though they are prophecies would make you more of a fale messiah than Barack.

  29. I don't deal in "Impossible Hypotheticals"- sorry.  :)

  30. quickly buy stock in military companies, oil, and get some foreclosed propert, just like they will. Maybe I can get a job as a spy for the telecoms or hunting polar bear in Alaska

  31. Give a big sigh of relief that pistol packin Mama is going to uphold the Constitution and have a good deal of influence (I hope) on McCain.  

    I'll dance around in circles and thank the Lord that Obama will not get to be Antichrist just yet....if ever.

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