
When McCain dumps Palin, do you think Mitt or Pawlenty?

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would be foolish enough to risk their political future and join the McCain campaign?




  1. I think it will be Cheney's evil twin but no one will have anytime to investigate so the loyal cool aid drinkers will cheer & be happy & vote for McCain since they don't know at 72 with 4 bouts of skin cancer that there is a good chance who ever he picks will be stealing alll there money quicker that the Bush administration did.

  2. I think McCain's going down with the sinking ship. No, he isn't going to dump her and that's going to cost him his only chance to win.

  3. No, at this point, I don't think they'd  agree to be his running mate. I imagine they were extremely insulted when they were passed over in favor of Palin.

  4. LOL. You Democrats are so pathetic. Palin and McCain will win by a large margin, guaranteed!

  5. McCain will not dump Palin. She is what our country needs. Down to earth, on of us. Not a political self serving nut. Where are the women to defend her?


  6. Actually, I think once the Convention is over, then McCain can pick a nominee without interference from the delegates...

    Thus, I think it will be Lieberman

  7. Old John should pick Lieberman.

    The two old fools could then spend their twilight years sitiing on the porch of the old age home cursing each other.

    I really don't think either Romney or Pawlenty will agree to board a sinking ship. Especially when it is in flames, too.

    XXXX and hugs!

  8. wow i didnt know that he can dump here hmm cant waight tell 2 night

  9. He wont dump her

  10. These might be more plausible choices, but I don't think they would risk it

  11. Ain't gonna happen champ. The Democrats are only digging themselves a deeper whole with all this smear propaganda. It's going to come back to haunt them on election day.

  12. Honestly Palin is a disaster but if he dumps her, he will look even worse so I doubt he would. Either way, the fact remains that McSame is just 4 more years of Bush, same foreign policy, not understanding the economy, ....and much more;-)

  13. I can see her bowing out for the 'good of her family'...even though she already threw her own daughter under the bus.  Then I see McCain taking Lieberman.  

    What sort of mother holds her daughter up to National humiliation?

  14. possibly condeleeza rice. let's just make it a convention of hypocrites.

  15. Palin is a great addition to the McCain campaign and the Dems know it.  Why do you think they'd stoop so low as to attack a 17 year old to make her look bad.  She has them shaking in their boots.  McCain/Palin 2008

  16. There is not indication that McCain is going to dump Palin. She speaks tonight...lets wait and see what she has to say.  

  17. McCain's not going to dump Palin.  She's a sufficient focus away from the issues and has the national election once again focused on abortion, a moral issue, rather than things like the economy and the war.

  18. You and I were the first to talk about this on here, if it goes the way we think it's going to i'll Buy you a beer...

    Mitt's the man... you watch... he was always the man, He was more shocked than anyone by the Palin pick, all of his flights had been canceled in lieu of the VP nomination, his calender was clean so that he could hit the ground running.. now he's waiting for the announcement...

    You watch.

    EDIT: He's not going to dump her, he can't...she will bow out "because I don't want to damage the party that I love so dearly" ... The liberal (NOT) media will take the blame for hounding her, McCain will look like a hero, and she'll go back and get elected governor three more times, before she runs again in, 2016... if we still have elections at that point...h**l if we're even still here.

  19. who ever it is it will be to the tune of its too late baby now its too late though we really did try to make it.

  20. I think he'll have Lieberman as his next pick.  That is somewhat worrisome.  

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