
When McCain is elected and God forbid something happens to him....?

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will Palin make Obaba one of her advisers since he's so much more experienced?




  1. Yes, Palin will ask Obama to advise her on nada. She has 50 times the executive experience Obama has.

  2. Well first off, I really doubt McCain will be elected. He screwed up, by doing what he has done. Instead of trying to sway women over, he has pissed all of them off...Just read an article on how women feel disgraced, that McCain thinks we would buy into this. Im one of those women.

    McCain is to old, and thinks a young pretty woman by his side, is gonna get him elected. Im sure he will just s***w her, and p**s his wife off to, Im sure he takes viagra and will be able.

    And if he is elected, and something happens to McCain, we are really screwed as a Nation, because Ms. Palin stated that she doesnt even know what a VICE PRESIDENT thats pretty scary how in the heck would she know what a president does??

    GO OBAMA!!

  3. this a serious question.  no sane, sober conservative would allow that type of unwarranted socialism anywhere near the presidency.  the answer is not just no..its GOD no!

  4. She's smarter than that.. NO.  But thanks for the laugh!  I have REALLY needed this!

  5. on issues related to blacks getting off their welfare and making payments on their sub prime mort.

  6. He does have more campaigning experience than Palin but I don't

    think campaigning for a radical Muslin in Kenya really counts.

    He even help set up Raila Odinga's home website see if you can tell?

    Add to this Obama can't even come up with a real birth certificate I

    believe I would be more than happy to see her as President than to see

    someone who can't even prove where he was born.

  7. Looks like the dems can't come up with anything better.  All they can do is give hypotheticals and hope McCain dies in office.  What a terrible thing to say.  Just to let you know, McCain's 96 year old mother can probably run faster than you.  I just saw her on tv and I was flabbergasted at her immense energy.  McCain has long life in his genes.  He'll live longer than Barack.  

  8. She will have no place for a "cool" dude stumbling around and mumbling something about "change".

  9. Doesn't scare me a bit.  

    In fact of all the candidates, she is the only one with some experience in an executive role.  As mayor and as Governor (I also like that she was small business owner and as a girl in Alaska she had to be pretty tough).

    Senators main responsibilities are to show up and vote (in the IL State Senate, Obama mostly voted "present").

    Presidents make decisions and it is one reason why Americans choose former Governors.

    Plus - the Left hates this pick - that's what makes it so fun!

  10. NO easy on that bong.

  11. We won't have to worry about that because it's going to be a Democratic LANDSLIDE!!!  4 more months!  4 more months!!

  12. Nothing will happen to him, he is fit as a fiddle and fine tuned to be president, so quit worrying. But he will never make Obaba an adviser since Obaba told Rick Warren that his chief adviser is Michelle.

  13. She will take advise from the Moose Genie!

  14. why would someone with 18 years experience in governing ask advice from someone with 143 days?

  15. People seem more freaked out by the silly and unlikely idea that Obama might be a 'Presidential consultant' than the very possible eventuality that the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (pop 5000) will be elevated to the highest office in the land!

    You Republicans are nuts! Dangerous nuts!

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