
When Mr and Mrs Obama raise your taxes to new heights..?

by  |  earlier

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to pay for a whole slew of new social programs,will you agree to the increase or just quit work and get on the entitlement train also?...I think a disability check with food stamps,medicaid and maybe some sort of utility assistance would be just right,yes?




  1. dude, it is up to you ! vote mc cain ....

  2. thats what the republicans would like you to think   read the whole story.

  3. now THAT'S the way to live under a socialist President...right now,with federal and state,Im paying about 48% of my earnings into taxes,not counting property and sales taxes...if those nutjobs think they are getting any more blood out of this turnip,they need to rethink their little ideas....My doc has already agreed to a disability claim for me....heh heh

  4. I dont agree with the taxes I pay now...why should i pay more to support Those-Who-Will-Not-Work?...yep...sounds like a plan to me

  5. WOW, interesting point...............strange but interesting, and adding the Mrs...... very good.

  6. Thanks for the plan...I like it!

  7. Well I do declare, bush has bankrupted the hole country yea your right he's not went up on tax's for you clubbers but everybody else is suffering and can't stand another republican ever! Lord have mercey give me something to drink............and a dip..

  8. I would have no problem with them raising my taxes IF we saw something for it... ie National Health-care, or further eduction.  I think everyone in the US deserves to be healthy, not just the rich.  I also think everyone in the US should be able to go on to college, not just the rich.  I also believe that everyone should be taxed on what they make exactly the same, not less for a higher tax bracket.  I also believe no one should be able to come from a foreign country and start a business here and be tax exempt for x amount of years; in fact they should pay more.  I also think we need to stop outsourcing jobs when our own people don't have them.  We the people need to stop buying from companies who outsource.  I hope for the first time in history that we finally get a president who delivers on their promises...if not, they will be gone.  I think we need to start making them stand behind all those empty promises or else we should be able to recall them.  I don't see the Republicans doing anything to help us middle class people out of this crunch.  They do not even realize what a crunch is, so why change?  Things are good for them.  I pray for good change and a good president...finally!

  9. I can barely survive on what the government leaves me now. I can't imagine what will happen if these socialists get into office and steal even more of my paycheck. Sure, welfare sounds good to me! Maybe I'll have a few illigimate kids with various unknown babydaddies and get a free college education, too!

    BTW, in reference to the "Joe the Liberal Hater" e-mail above, not all of us are lucky enough to have a union job, nice car, and Fannie Mae house. Most of us are just normal working class people trying to get by in the world. And I'm sure that not everyone mentioned in the stupid e-mail were liberals. I'm sure there were plenty of conservatives fighting for our safety, too.

  10. JUST SAY NO and don't vote for that liberal worm!

  11. That's why some of us are republican, because not everyone can be on welfare

  12. Hopefully, they won't get the chance.

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