
When Mrs. Obama campaigns for her husband and gives political commentary..Is she fair game?

by Guest55680  |  earlier

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  1. The others who ran in the past and had their wives campain were so why shouldn't she be as well.

  2. Is there a double standard here.  When Kerry said something about Cheney's daughter the republican party ripped him all over the news.  When the media talked about Laura Bush's fatal driving accident it was called a cheap shot.  When McCain's wife refusal to open her 2007 tax its ok for her to say no.  Now when you say things that are just untrue I find that as a chaep shot.  Saying she is racist, muslim, unAmerican is only opinions not facts.  So if it is a unbias fact it is ok.

  3. when man and women marry they are to become one! so helll yes she is fair game especially since she will be her husbands back bone.


  5. She's not running for anything herself... so whether or not her comments are "fair game" depends on whether they were made as part of the campaign.

    For example, I could care less about her thesis being made public.  She didn't write it as part of the campaign, and she is not running for office.

    The "first time I was proud" comment is fair game, because she was campaigning.  However, she was talking about her own response, not her husband's, so just make a few jokes over a couple of days, and move on.

  6. You know, let's FOCUS.  In this election, the next president will have inherited a minor catastrophe.

    So - this election, let's look at things that will actually affect us: our soldiers being killed in Iraq, innocent civilians being killed in Iraq, the economy, $5.00 gasoline?, government coruption, wall street corruption, excessive influence of lobbyists, the threat of terrorism in our cities, smog alerts, the cost of your health care, the plumetting value of your home - will you be able to retire? will you have social security?... The media is trying to get us to look at each minor ridiculous out-of-context quote that anyone who has ever been in the same room as one of our candidates has said... it makes us not look at things that will REALLY matter -- and regardless of who you support, we will all lose big time in the end.

    No - she should not be "fair game" - it shouldn't be the petty game that it's become at all...

  7. Yes I believe so, but I also believe that Clinton's Daughter should be fair game since she is actually out campaining and not just making appearences.

    As for the we are not electing God, this is true but even though they are not perfect we should know their imperfections so we can decide if they are acceptable or if we think they will interfere with their performance

  8. She is not running for president and most of the accusations leveled at her have been nothing more than cheap shots.

  9. I don't even think the candidates should be fair game, for things some idiots make up in their own mind and try to sell to the public.

    We are voting for a president here, not GOD, who is the only perfect one.

    The media plays this card so much it's is like a sickening bunch of 8 year old kids, and the heck of it is they get paid to blacken someones name. But when one of theirs s***w up it is hushed up like a clam, like when Anchor Jessica Savage of L.A. husband committed suicide outside of the station.It was reported once, by another channel and never mentioned again. But they  wag on and on about every one else like a dog with a bone.

  10. Fair Game to the left means you can critize their speeches or statements

    Fair Game to the right means they can smear your character with lies and saying she is a racist who doesnt love her country

  11. Just where would she be any better than to be scrutinized than Cindy McCain who has not come close to making the comments that Michele has.

    Cindy is being berated for a prescription drug problem that happened years ago and has resolved that problem.  She has been degraded by the Democratic party for her relationship 29 years ago, with Senator McCain.  Now that's what I call digging up dirt!!

    Mrs. McCain has been an honorable, and charitable wife for 28 years.

    You have nothing to dig on Michele, she is doing it all by herself!


  12. everyone  who offers  opinion  is  subject  to  rebuttal by  anyone

  13. Yes to a degree.  It is fine to examine what they have to say, but another thing to attempt to rip them apart as a person.  Some civility in this regard at least should be the rule of the day.

    Most of the left have left Cindy McCain pretty much alone, yet she has some known skeletons out there.  While I would not say the left is always the most civil, most seem to be practicing much more restraint than the right lately (at least in this regard).

    I personally like both women, and think both should generally be left alone.  Perhaps a civil discussion amongst Obama and McCain about issues would be a good idea?

  14. Sure, but so are the people who attack her.  The American people will determine who to side with: a wife who thought she was free to speak honestly, or a political hit squad that will intentionally attack a candidate's spouse.

  15. Yes,  she opens her mouth.  She is fair game.

  16. Precisely! But, remember, Obama whines when something happens that he doesn't like. I'm just waiting for the race card next.

  17. Absolutely, yes.

  18. absolutely..  even if she wasn't so politically outspoken, she's still potentially going to be the FIRST LADY.   she would have to do charity work, meet foreign diplomats, etc etc.. why would we not want to question her doings and sayings?  i don't know about anyone else, but i confide with my wife with just about everything and respect her views..  that needs to be taken seriously too.. do we really want two Barrak Obamas in the White House?  cause that's exactly what we'd get.. and she's worse in some instances than he is.

  19. you betcha

    although she has gotten a pass for the most part

  20. Absolutely...maybe we should put Cheney on it...

  21. Yes, she is fair game. If she doesn't like it, she can keep her mouth shut on political commentary.

  22. Yes, if she enters into the political process then yes she is fair game.

  23. She's not running for president.  Saying Obama is a bad candidate because of her would be like saying Bush is a bad president because of the Bush twins' underaged drinking.

  24. Yep.

  25. Of course she is, the same as any other spouse, adult children, relatives, pastors, etc.  If you are going to go up in the public eye in an election, you better hope those skeletons are really far back in your closet.  It also helps not to have a mouth so large a shoe store can fit in it. Everyone is fair game in my opinion.

  26. nobody in america is fair game for a put down by the right or left, rightous types always want to judge and put down others, christians do it the most............and pretend christians

  27. Of course she is. Everyone needs to know that she hates her country but wants to be first lady....

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