
When Obama gets the nomination, will Hillary supporters throw their support behind him?

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If they do, does McCain still have a fighting chance of being elected?




  1. hillary fans would NEVER vote for him!! they could vote for mccain then mccain would most likely win!

  2. Even though neither party has a viable candidate, I believe that John Mccain will be elected for two reasons:

    1.  He does seem to be the "lesser of the three evils", so to speak.

    2.  The Democratic Party is so divided by hatred and mud-slinging tactics among the supporters, let alone Clinton and Obama themselves, that whichever of the two gets the nomination, the "swing" vote will go to McCain purely out of spite.

  3. Seeing the latest three polls it shows that up to 45% will do just that.  AP poll,CNN, and for got the other who show this.

  4. As Hillary said at the end of a debate, at the end of the campaign "We'll be fine." Everyone talks about staying home, but most don't make good on that threat. And where else will a Democrat vote?

  5. If Obama is their only choice, what other option will the Democrats have other than to not vote for their own party member.  Under the circumstances, their best vote may still be to vote for McCain.  Given the two choices, one is patriotic and the other clearly is not.  Which one would ANYone want for president, regardless of their political convictions?  When recently attending a political rally in which Hillary and a few other candidates were present on stage, only ONE of them did not place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem and only ONE did not join in the recitation of the pledge of allegiance to our flag.  Would you want that person to be our president?  His name was Obama and the photographic proof of this transgression is available for any and all to see, but Obama has offered no explanation for his improper behavior....this coming from the man who still chooses to support his minister who encourages his followers to "kill whites".  Not a good choice.  Anyone who thinks so has their head in the sand.  Good luck with your decision making process.

  6. I doubt it, most Hillary supporters are too smart to support Obama, so hopefully they will go for Mccain instead. :)

  7. The polls show most Clinton supporters will support Mccain if she loses.

    Most Obama supporters will support Hilary if Obama loses

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