the big moment, the moment the world was waiting for, this from one of the most articulate speakers of our times, and he [OBAMA] Screwed it up.....think this is a pattern, when he feels pressured and doesn't have his teleprompters he just gets all confused....Another thing this man of YES WE CAN,,, change,promised and already he didn't deliver on three major promises and the convention isn't even formally opened yet.. And on top of all that he outright lied to the entire American public, be you Independent, Rep. or Dem...from the time he was nominated this Liar said over and over and over again that Hilary was on his short list, he even went on to elaborate, and say, she would be on evryone's short list..He lied..He never even considered her...he also....Failed to deliver on promise of his pick being text-ed...didn't happen ..No negativity.....has been nothing
but.........and Biden, 30+ years in politics that the Liberal Press, wants to give a purple heart to because he takes a train home every night..big freaking deal..Arlen Spector.[R] takes the same d**n mode of transport..should we canonize him too ?? NO.........They are doing what millions of us average working stiffs are doing, difference sometimes we don't have the train fare and may have to borrow from a co-worker until payday...there is just to much week left at the end of my money