
When Obama is elected will we go back to the Clinton policy of dealing with terrorism?

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By firing a cruise missile at an aspirin factory in Sudan and consider the job done?




  1. yes turning the right cheek and hope the next pres does all the work again,

  2. I don't know why we shouldn't.

    It was a lot cheaper, and we didn't get the 911 disaster until after Bush had taken over and discontinued those efforts for nearly a year

  3. Perhaps you're forgetting who was at the helm on 9/11?  You should stop throwing brickbats from the sanctuary of your vitreous abode.

  4. Clinton had a policy for dealing with terrorism?  Hmmm... First World trade bombing was on Clintons watch, Al Quada planned the 9/11 attacks during  Clintons administration for over 4 years of it- he had all but a personal phone call from Osama and had ample opportunity and valid reason to catch him ahead of 9/11...  Funny how Liberals recall history, they are missing crucial factors.  Like the facts and truth.  

  5. I doubt it.  9/11 didn't happen til Clinton left office.  It's easy to say what should have happened after the fact.  However, 9/11 did happen and no one who becomes president now would treat terrorism as anything less than the threat to the security of the United States it is and act accordingly.

  6. 9/11 gave Bush a reason to invade Iraq.  Just like Pearl Harbor gave Roosevelt a reason to enter WWII.  Just like the Gulf of Tomkin attack gave LBJ a reason to greatly increase the number of troops in Vietnam.  

    If a particular president has an agenda, things will happen so that that agenda can be carried out.  

  7. Clinton didn't do S**t about terrorism when he was pres.  He was too busy fooling around with Monica Lewinsky.  He let American security and defense slide.  And how about the USS Cole?  

    And 9-11 was Bush's fault?  Hindsight is so clear, and so hypocritical.

  8. I like how you compare Clinton and Obama...

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