
When Obama or McCain become president, do they get to pick all new supreme court justices?

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Who else do they get to pick, replace or kick out in government?




  1. Supreme court Justices have lifetime appointments. they have to die or retire to be replaced.

  2. No. Supreme Court justices are appointed for LIFE. They can retire, or step down if they like, otherwise they usually serve for years. Which is why its always big news when there's a new appointment to be made -- the conservatives would love to get a very conservative justice in there, and liberals a more liberal one. And it does make a big difference. The Supreme Court makes up a third of the three branches of government (executive - the President, legislative - the Congress and Senate, and the judicial - the Supreme Court) which comprise the "balance of power" keeping the government in check so that one branch does not become more powerful.

  3. IF there is a vacancy, thru death or retirement, the president is responsible for nominating only.

    the senate approves or rejects them.

    however, SC justices can be impeached.

  4. not really what your lookin for i guess but it might help

    We are a representative republic. We elect our officials to make decisions like this for us. The theory goes that if the country elects officials that represent our beliefs, then the choices they make will also reflect them. If we had direct elections of the Supreme Court Justices, does that mean we should also elect say... the Senate Majority Leader? White House Chief of Staff? Where does it end?

    The President doesn't get to be the sole voice on who is a Supreme Court Justice... The Senate has to consent to the choice. I think far too many people believe that the Senate's job is to just say "OK" to whatever the President picks, and that isn't the case. Checks and Balances...


    I mean, I know why--the constitution says so. But I'm wondering why this was supposed to be a good idea. It seems to me that it kind of contradicts our seperation of powers if the head of one branch has the right to pick one of the nine heads of another branch for a life-long position. I think a direct election from the people would be much more ideal and give the nation a more pertinent judicial leader that better relates to how the country as a whole feels.

    Or maybe that's just me...?

  5. The President nominates Justices for the Supreme Court and judges for the Federal Courts to fill seats that become vacant when judges retire. The President can't replace a judge until the judge retires (or is impeached- but that never happens).

    The President chooses the cabinet- everybody knows about the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, but there are many other lesser known positions. These people work for the Executive Branch, so the President can hire and fire them at will- except for the Vice President who is elected.

  6. yes. there not suppost to pick them by if they are dem or repub. but we know they do anyways. lol

    thats why obama will pick dems and another reason why we cant have him in. Say bye bye to the NRA, which a lot of people like. I sure would like to own a gun by 21. thats just one topic to discuss about supreme court

  7. Only if the old ones die or retire.

    And then they still have to be approved by congress.

  8. They cannot replace the Supreme Court Justices, those are appointed for life. In fact presidents don't pick the Supreme Court at all, the President can nominate one and then the senate votes on which ones get the positions.

    He does get to pick his cabinet (Secretary of defense, Attorney General, etc.)

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