
When Obama said it was inappropriate to attack Palin's children?

by  |  earlier

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was that code for "keep attacking"?




  1. No.

  2. Just shows they have no respect. I hope one day they all have to face the same issue

  3. Even though I am not a fan of Obama's, I do respect him saying to leave the children out of it.  No, it was not code for keep attacking, nor do I believe it was for political gain.   ***

  4. Obama went in the right direction with that statement.  I commend him for that, but I am still not voting for him, because those on the left will continue to attack this woman's children.  This election is not about the children, it is about the adults.  Sure they are all going be part of history, but that give no reason for all these liberal bloggers, and mainstream media outlets to attack this woman's children.  these attacks made me angry, and I would have been just as angy had the conservatives attacked Obama's children, and they have not.  neither candidate's children should have to deal with rumors regarding them.  Keep the mudslinging between the adults....but leave all the children out of this.

  5. He said it was in appropriate to attack any family members, including his own.

  6. Are you seeing the Obama campaign pressing the issue? No, it's the media who are feeding on it.

  7. i think so  

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