
When Obama said "Change we can believe in" was he referring to changing Joe Bidens Depends?

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Just a little payback for the endless line of McCain Depends posts. ha ha




  1. yup hes changing to swapping them on Saturday at high noon Obama and Biden will change adult diapers with each other

  2. Change out of our pockets...that means everyone's pockets....majority people have a 401K....your retirement investment is getting double taxed by Mr. Obataxa.  You'll lose on average $400.00 per year.

    This is why offshore banks will have their best four years ever.  If Obama is elected.

  3. so you tink is ok?

  4. I think so. Because he certainly wasn't talking about changing this country for the better. Of course McCain won't be any better.

  5. Well I guess all the statements about McCain's age just went right out the door.  

  6. I think Biden is the perfect addition to the "Change WE can believe in" platform. He has been in the senate since he was 29. He is a plagiarist. And, best of all, he has already endorsed McCain!!!  

    Obama is clueless.

  7. Well, with Biden taking the lead in Foreign Affairs, we likely could expect change from ignorant, simplistic, arrogant, and one dimensional strategies to those that are chistled, wise, and helpful to America.  Now, that is change I can believe in!

  8. No one is as old as John McCain, and Biden knows where he lives.

    Unlike, John McCain who was probably stumbling around all night trying to find one of those 10 houses he keeps forgetting he owns.

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