
When Obama says all Americans are a big family, does he mean we are all going to end up like his brother?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You mean we'll be hard-working people trying to work our way up on our own merits and too proud to take handouts from Big Brother?

    That doesn't sound too bad to me.

  2. I'm hoping for a bigger box, myself.

  3. Oh grow up people.  Is there any evidence that his brother ever asked or wanted his help?

  4. Are you asking a question here or trying to voice an opinion?

  5. Exactly, No one ever hears about this bother that Obama won't even help. Obama is worthless and I don't trust him. All of you libs will see this if he gets elected.  

  6. That's sad.  I wonder why he doesn't try to help him.

  7. Is this a different brother from the one who trys to import China goods to USA and take away our jobs LOL?

  8. He's saying that we should be a collectivist society instead of so indiviualist.

  9. Try again, i guess he's suppose to move all of his father's kids that he's only met once into his house and find them jobs and take care of them? I don't see the point of this question or what you're trying to prove.

  10. Will I get to keep a whole dollar of my money? Wow thank you Obama!

  11. OMG.

    OH MY GOD.


    If that is true, it's even worse than I thought.

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