
When Overdrawing On A Credit Card?

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I just booked a hotel for myself for three nights using a credit/debit card with an available balance of $6.04. The three nights cost $154.00.

My bank is Washington Mutual and I'm booked to stay from Aug. 31-Sept. 3rd.

Will the card go through? I'm not doing this because I want to I'm doing this because if I dont I'll be homeless in Sacramento, Ca and I'm coming from North Carolina. Nice homecoming for me right? I'm 20 years old.




  1. The hotel or motel may have held funds on your card.  Because this was overdrawing, you may have triggered overdraft fees already.   If you don't make a deposit, this will unlikely go through or if it does you will be running up overdraft fees and interest very fast.  I would call your bank ASAP.

  2. If you booked your room directly with the hotel (not through a service like Expedia or then the hotel will not charge the card until you show up at check in.  The card was used to merely place a hold for your room reservation.  

    You will be charged if you:

    1)  Don't show up and you didn't call in time to cancel the room or

    2)  At the time you check in at the front desk, you request that the charges for the room be placed on that card (there's always the option at time of check in, to use a different card or cash).


    If you only have a balance of 6.04, NO it will not go through.  Be aware, if you use your debit card, and the charge for the room is billed in the amount of $154.00, the hotel may charge more for any additional costs that you may incure (i.e.: phone calls; internet use; snacks in the rooms, etc.....).  That could hold up any funds you need from your debit card.

    I strongly suggest that you have the cash funds available to pay up front at check in for the room, so that you're not in a compromising situation, and you're debit card doesn't get tied up because of any additional holds placed by the hotel.

    P.S.:  If you're going to Sacramento, and since you're 20 years old, check out HOSTELS.  These are budget oriented places that are like a co-op.  A place where students stay, and for real cheap.  Look into it if you're not familiar with them.  I use to live in Sacto. and their HOSTEL is located in Mid-town Sacramento (nice area and old victorian building too) (website enclosed under SOURCE).  It's about 45.00 for a single bed in a private room, or $23.00 per nite in a shared dorm style room (call them for details if this sounds interesting)

    I hope that this helps you out.

  3. Usually the transaction doesn't go through until you actually arrive at the hotel. Try to find a way to get some money and pay the card for $144, then don't use it after.. That will keep you still pretty close, but you save $10

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