
When PISCES boys dream..?

by  |  earlier

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i've heard pisces like to dream and fantasize about things a lot.

but when they tell you about them, do they really want these dreams to come true?

if you don't understand this question, could you tell me about how you know if a pisces likes you?

(one that's far away from you.)

thank you.




  1. Pisces can be tough to read but one thing's for sure, we tend to be cautious when expressing feelings for a girl because our greatest fear is rejection.  

    If a Pisces boy tells you a dream about being with you or something like that, it's because he has feelings for you and this is a way he can express that without fear of getting rejected.

    We also tend to pay attention to things like dreams and signs more than some people, so if he's dreaming about being with someone, chances are it's on his mind quite a lot.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your elusive (but emotionally deep) friend.

  2. Well that cant be answered.My sun sign description says im a neat freak and health conscious.Not.Go here.

  3. It depends on the Pisces boy, as they are all different.  From my experience, yes, they try to make their dreams come true.  But they take their time and calculate their ways of going about things.  They don't usually just jump into things.  After they've felt things out, then they start to move forward.  

    You know if a Pisces likes you from a distance just like you know if any guy likes you.

    edit:  SanMateo hit the nail on the head for you.

  4. wait.... whaaaa?

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