
When Prince Harry gets married, what will his wife and children's titles be?

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I know William's wife will be Princess and then Queen, and his kids will be Princes and Princesses, but what about Harry?




  1. If his brother does not have kids yet, they will be Prince and Princesses of Wales. If William does have kids then it is up to the monarch, William or Charles, what to call them.

  2. When Prince Harry marries, if not before, the then-monarch will probably bestow a title on him, most likely a dukedom (although Prince Edward was made only an earl, so far).  If the Duchy of Clarence isn't given to Edward in the meantime, it's a likely choice for Harry.  If it is, his wife will be the Duchess of Clarence, and their children will Prince or Princess This or That of Clarence.  I suspect, incidentally, that Prince Edward will be elevated to the rank of Duke one he and his Countess have a child.

  3. The wife and children will be princesses and princes.The wife may also bear the title that Harry is given as a wedding gift,which could be that of a duke,marquess,earl,viscount,or baron,or any number of these.If Harry is made a duke,his eldest son would bear the next title down that his father bears.So if Harry is made  Duke---Earl---,Viscount---,his eldest son would not only be a royal prince,but the next title down of his father,which in my example is "earl."

    Wife and children would also be royal highnesses,that is,unless,like Edward and Sophie,Harry and wife choose to have their children bear the titles and styles of the non-royal aristocracy. In Edward's case,he is a royal prince and a royal earl(Wessex) and viscount(Severn).His eldest son assumed the next aristocratic title down,which is viscount,

    For an in-depth look at titles see

    You can also read up about the royals at

  4. he's stil a prince.. he'll be a king when the crown was pass to him.

  5. Harry will be a king

  6. Judging by the precedence set by Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry himself would be offered a Dukedom, and an oldest son would succeed to the title. Prince Harry and his wife would probably have the option of having Queen Elizabeth or Prince Charles bestow either the title of Princess or Lady on any daughters born to the marriage.

    Prince Andrew became Duke of York upon his marriage, and his two daughters are princesses.  Prince Edward, however, became Earl of Essex, and his daughter is merely a lady and not a princess.  Of course, Princess Anne refused any possible titles for both her first and second husband as well as her two children.

  7. They will be named prince(s) or princess of Wales because Prince Harry is a prince if Prince WIlliam gives up his title for the throne then I think that it would be the same.

  8. Prince

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