
When Queen Elizabeth I was a queen.?

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When Queen Elizabeth I was a queen.?

HOw was England as a monarchy?

Queen Elizabeth was a protestant, how did she rule england and ireland?




  1. she was mean

  2. During Queen Elizabeth I reigned during a period of deep religious division in the country, her reforms of the Church of England established a compromise between Catholic and Protestant positions.

    The Elizabethan Religious Settlement was Elizabeth I’s response to the religious divisions created over the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I. This response, described as "The Revolution of 1559", was set out in two Acts of the Parliament of England. The Act of Supremacy of 1559 re-established the Church of England’s independence from Rome, with Parliament conferring on Elizabeth the title Supreme Governor of the Church of England, while the Act of Uniformity of 1559 set out the form the English church would now take, including establishing the Book of Common Prayer.

  3. a ginger fist of hot pants and stallions....

  4. There was a lot of division in the country. A lot of Catholics died like Queen Mary of Scots, her sister.

  5. 1553-1603

    Elizabeth was one of the most influential leaders in European and, in fact, world history. She reigned as a Protestant though she really saught to promote religious tolerance. Her father, Henry VIII, converted to Protestantism in order to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Since then, the kingdom has always been ruled by a protestant as is part of the Act of Settlement. The church of England is Anglican (or Episcopalian in the US) and thus, Protestant!

  6. Rather better than Queen Ann

  7. by the fist she was skumbag

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