
When Republicans prayed for Rain of Biblical Proportions in August, was it putting Country First?

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  1. No, they are not the party for putting the country first. You would think by now they would know that "love they neighbor as thyself" means you are your neighbor so when you care about your neighbor it also blesses you. If they believed that they would be democrats though....Obama/Biden Yes, We Can!!!

  2. No, it wasn't. I find that kind of 'religious thinking' hypocritical and mean-spirited. Dodson and his Focus on Family people should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. And the ironic thing? Hurricane Gustav is supposed to arrive at about the same time as the Republican Convention...

  4. Of course not. But Gustav, at the timing of the RNC, is almost making me question my atheism!

  5. I swear I was going to ask a similar question.  I wonder what that preacher is praying for now.  God doesn't like ugly.

  6. Looks like the got their wish -- only slightly delayed.

  7. Putting their own interest first and wishing harm to others.

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