
When Should I go pro?

by  |  earlier

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I am a mma fighter and have an amatuer record of 2-0 but have only been training muay thai and brazillian jiu jitsu for 2 and one half years and just started learning wrestling about 4 months ago, so i'm a bit nervous about a step up in competition. I also want to go to college next year and don't plan on letting a pro career jeopardizing that . also I am only 17 and have lower experience than most pro fighters.




  1. GO TO COLLEGE!!!!!!!

    There is no need to rush in right now. I f you have the opportunity to go to college, take it.

    Keep training while in school, your only going to get better with time.

    In American Kenpo we have a thing called "checking", basically it mean being prepared for what might happen. In your case college can be your check.

  2. Get as many amateur fights as you can before your 18. After that train for a year and then go pro. Start with smaller promoters and shows because the skill level isn't as high as others. If your serious about mma your skills after 4 or 5 years will be good eough.


  3. You'll have to ask your coaches or trainers for that.  If your coaches and trainers won't give you a recommendation or are not qualified to give you a recommendation, then you should go to a better gym - where they have ranked fighters.  A good coach or trainer will know whether you're ready for pro competition, or not.

  4. As soon as you can make enough money at it to cover:

    your living expenses,

    your medical expenses and

    your insurance.

    Don't even THINK about it until you have a back-up career that you can fall back on for after you are past your prime.

  5. Well where I'm from (Houston,Texas) MMA is real big and so are most other combat sports like Tae kwon do, boxing, etc. Any way I personally think you should get a couple more fights under your belt maybe at least. Twenty fights or more should be your goal. Though most pro boxers wait to get even more fights. Now if its college your considering find a school that offers some form of martial arts or is close to a martial arts school. I'd suggest tae kwon do its good striking.

  6. To be honest with you I do not have much experience with martial arts, but I would recomend waitng till you go through college. I believe some colleges have martial arts programs. It would help you with experience and skill. So wait till you are around 20. Thats my opinion...
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