
When Should I test? Scared to get a BFN!?

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i am now 12 dpo and i am experiencing sore b*****s like never before they normally only hurt on the sides towards my arm pits but this time it is all over same goes with my nipples, i have had lots of lotion like cm . Wondering when should i take a pregnancy test? this is my first month using ovulation tests so i don't want to test to early and get a negative and be disappointed if i don't have to be. So what do you think ladies? When should i test? any of you in the same boat? plz help!




  1. Wait until AF is late.  Many pms symptoms are similar to early pregnancy symptoms.  Save the money and the stress and wait until you are late!

    Good luck to you!  I hope you get a BFP!!!!

  2. I would wait until AF is late.  Most sites tell you tell you to wait until 18DPO.  I tested early last month and got a BFP 3 days before AF was due.  Sadly this pregnancy ended 7 days later (considered a Chemical Pregnancy).  I am waiting until at least 16-18DPO this month.  I am currently at 12DPO now.  Good Luck and Baby Dust!

  3. I agree with poster #1 .. in the past 2 months I don't know how much money I've wasted on HPT's ... i swear walmart owes me alot of money lol ... but I would wait until AF is later then test .. you don't want to waste money on tests if you are not prego and you don't want to get your hopes up too high and you're not. Good luck

  4. I think it is safe to test now!! I got my BFP at 10 dpo and it was a very bold line which came up way quicker than the three minutes usually allocated by the instructions.

    I know how hard it is to get BFN's all the time especially when you really feel pregnant but sometimes it's better to test and make the realisation in order to prepare yourself for the next month!! You need to be positive and not stressed when TTC. It will all come together.

    Take care and good luck xox

  5. I have learnt that I am no longer taking an hpt until AFTER AF is late.  Every time I take one at around 12dpo it's BFN and to me it's just a jinx.  I had sore b*****s last month (which I NEVER get either as PMS or with either of my last two pregnancies) and a handful of other "pregnancy" symptoms which I know better than to look into, tested at 12dpo cause we were going away for the weekend, got a BFN and I should have just known.  AF arrived like clockwork, could have saved myself the money.  I suggest and recommend waiting until AF is late, that's what I'll be doing from now on.  

  6. I think you should wait and see if you get your period and if you don't then test.

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