
When Smudging, can you only use White sage or are other types of Sage or Herbs usable?

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I have not been able to find White Sage sold around my area. I found some type of sage at the store but its not white sage. I was also wondering if it has to be sage or if it could be another herb like Lavender of something :)

Thanks :)




  1. My favorite sage for smudging can be purchased from Prairie's Edge in Rapid City, SD on-line for around $15/pound. Not as pungent as the white variety, and easier to roll into smudge sticks.  

  2. Typically smudging is done with Clary Sage. However, if you've found other herbs that work well for you regarding smudging, that's OK too. Smudge is basically incense, so depending on the issue you're meditating about or the energies you're trying to clear, choose herbs that suit your purpose.

  3. Other kinds of sage or even other herbs are fine!!

  4. White Sage is most commonly used but the common sage you find in the grocery store is good also But there other sages that are used such as wee sage,a sweet grass and sage mixture or just sweet grass. It is up to the person an what the prefer and to what tradition they follow. a good source to find the different sages is  

    In light and Love


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