
When Society finally collapses, who will resort to Cannibalism first?

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When all h**l breaks lose.. Who is going to resort to Cannibalism first, You or your Neighbor? Timing is an important factor so consider it carefully. Is it worse to be killer or a victim?The diner or the dinner?




  1. I am a survivor! I will continue living as long as I am able to function. If to do that, I must chow down on my neighbor, you'd better hope you live far away.

    I prefer a butt roast or ham, but will use it all in one way or another. Please gain a little weight but don't get too fat.

  2. The bush tribe; they're used to it.

  3. I could eat a human long before I could eat a dog. Cat though, I am sure I have partaken in many a time. There is no way that meat can be pork in my Chinese take away.  

  4. Hello,

    Your neighbour (not friends) I would say

    To get a good idea you ought to read " The 900 Days - Siege Of Leningrad " by Harrison Salisbury.

    You'll see that small Mafia type gangs get going in the chaos, they lure unsuspecting victims into their web giving them comradely much like the Thuggees in India kill them and start a neat warehouse somewhere in the ruins.


    Michael Kelly

  5. Christians--they have it built into their ritualistic sacrifice, the Mass.  It should be a very short jump to actually devouring human flesh.  

  6. I wont be the dinner or the victim so i think you can work out the rest  :)  :)

  7. Mr Bitter, what a question!!! Actuallyy a good one. First for myself Iam a vegetarian and don't eat meat but,for those that do, I really think most of us humans would find every other resource possible before we ate each other !  Dont you ? As for your 2nd question to be or not to  be? Well I think that all depends ones outlook on things. So I have a question! Would you be able to live with yourself after eating your neighbor or could you just carry on with life like nothing? Or are you the type of person whom will juabsolutelytely not be "THE WEAK ONE" in society? Really I think us humans have way too much intelligence survivalival skills to have to resort to cannibalism.

  8. Those with the greatest degree of carnal nature are invariably first to succumb to such vice and depravity. Survival of the most ardent ...

    The saintly and good have rarely such a sense of self preservation.

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