
When Someone is Executed Why They Put A Bag OR Something Over there Head?

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HHAHAHAHAH, coz it funnier that way , lol, so weird =P.




  1. cuz the pressure makes your eyes pop out


  3. The bag over the head of a prisoner about to be executed is to calm them down it is also to stop them looking directly into their executioner's eyes.

    I remember when Ruth Ellis was executed at Holloway Prison - there were massive riots.

    There still remains massive opposition to the death penalty here in UK and right across the EU.

    Only those who never lived under the shadow of the noose seem to think that execution [the death penalty] is the answer to some of our problems.

    Well frankly it is not a solution to our problems and were there to have been a death penalty, Mr George, who was wrongfully accused and found guilty of the murder of Jill Dando, would have been hanged and now be dead.

    In my lifetime there have been numerous miscarriages of justice here in UK including people being wrongly hanged who on subsequent enquiry have been found to be entirely innocent.

    I do not trust anyone with the death penalty, not least politicians, who have used it in the past to get rid of people they did not like.

    The death penalty existed in Germany before Adolf Hitler came to power.  This made it very easy for the n***s just to execute anyone they did not like on some trumped up charge or other.

  4. Well I'm sure for many reasons.  Your eyes really do pop out and bleed, so I hear.  You foam at the mouth, so I hear.  Your nose and ears bleed too.  Personally I wouldn't want to remember that if I were one who was witnessing.  YUK  

  5. a lot of the time it is because (dependent upon the method of execution) the face will not look very nice as the execution is being carried out

  6. its to with the eyes and the bag hides the expression, that would not be a pretty sight now would it?

  7. i wud say because the face is really the only thing that expresses the feelings emotions pain etc... tht a person endures most public executions are carried out in this way as many onlookers are there and im sure wouldnt want to se the facial expressions or the blood coming from the ears eyes nose and mouth.

  8. Cause it is funnier that way?

  9. It's not so much the question but the giggling and 5 year old  child mentality you have,your an idiot and should be suspended well said Lee Peter!

  10. Mind you!When they executed Saddam Hussein!All the participants and witnesses were hooded!Whilst Saddam was bare headed!

  11. Because all the ghoulish people who hang around to see someone being executed don't want to see the face of the person being killed.

    Kind of 'we support the death penalty, but we don't actually want to see it.'

    Funny how most countries in the world have abolished the death sentence... There are, after all, significantly better punishments. Ones that let you live for years contemplating why you are never going to see the outside world ever again.

  12. for the sake of people watching. They want to be present for emotional and personal reasons, but they don't need to see the popping and bleeding of the eyes etc.

  13. So the people watching dont have to see the expression on the person's face and feel the guilt of taking the life of another human being maybe?

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